1996 CPEO Military List Archive

From: zweifel@nexus.chapman.edu
Date: 07 Oct 1996 19:16:12
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Global Green's 3rd Annual Forum
From: Don Zweifel <zweifel@nexus.chapman.edu>

To all interested parties:

The highlight of the entire conference was the opportunity to hear and for
some to meet the former president of the Soviet Union, Mikail S.
Gorbachev. Gorbachev is the current president of Green Cross International
of which Global Green is the US affiliate. Their goal is to interface,
"With individuals, industry and government to create a global value shift
toward a sustainable future." More specifically to promote the
implementation of the "Rio" (de Janero) decisions to achieve a sustainable
balance between environment and development as prescribed in "Agenda 21." 

Secondly to acknowledge that ecological systems transcend national

To work thru cooperation not confrontation, by promoting dialogue with
environmental organizations, governments of nation-states and businesses

To act as a catalyst for change regarding environmental issues by bringing
together those who perceive a problem with those who have viable

Other notable and quotable happenings occurred in our afternoon workshops: 
One particularly memorable remark referred to public participation in RABs
as, "Being largely worthless because these groups are toothless, all bark
and no bite, having no real power to do anything but go through the
motions." This particular individual ostensibly indicated that the RABs 
were not really watchdogs, but in actuality lapdogs to be coddled and
petted into fawning submission and coaxed into rubber-stamping FSs and

This I ask you: Is there a ring of truth to these grave charges? 

The afternoon session brought the director of the Air Force's Regional
Environmental Office (AF Center for Env. Excellence) Phillip Lammi,
to state that a experimental program was being instituted at Vandenberg
AFB, Ca. Their RAB was essentially being redirected to look at compliance
issues, effectively redesignating it a "CAB" or Compliance Advisory Board. 

Your POC for this is Col. Van Mullen, USAF, at Vandenberg.

One of the recommendations from workshop participants was that compliance,
relative risk (to human health) and reuse should be actively considered by
RABs if they are to retain credibility within their communities.

And lastly the site for this function was the grand old army officer's
club at Presidio, San Francisco. This fort was first built by the
spaniards in 1845. It was placed on the base closure list and lowered its
flag for good in 1994. 

What do you think about this accusatory finger-pointing? Is it
justifiable? Pls answer via the net. Thanks.

 Don Zweifel
 CalEPA DTSC Adv Grp

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