From: | |
Date: | Fri, 26 Sep 1997 14:55:09 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | National RAB discussion |
CARRERPRO BBS PARTICIPANTS INTERESTED IN FORMING A NATIONAL RAB NETWORK ARC ECOLOGY RECENT DISCUSSIONS ABOUT NATIONAL RAB NETWORK STRUCTURE There has been a bit of traffic on the Careerpro BBS lately regarding who will lead a national RAB network. A number of messages have been posted about Arc, or Careerpro or the establishment of a board of directors. I've taken some time out to think about the issues that have been raised and would like to make the following observations. > While a discussion of structure is entirely in order, we haven't defined the project yet. > Aside from some short general principles, I don't think there is any agreement yet on purpose and mission. > The audience participating in the discussion is far too small to be at all representative of the community-based parties interested in the outcome of the discussion. Therefore we would probably benefit from an effort to more completely define what it is we want to do. We do however appear to have some agreement on two points: 1. There appears to be general support for a national RAB network/ caucus of some sort. There appears to be general agreement, at least on the Careerpro BBS, that there should be some form of ongoing coordination between RABs members beyond the discussions that are currently taking place on the net. While some individuals have expressed reasonable reservations regarding their past experience with the national entities, others seemed to be concerned that the current state of affairs around base cleanup necessitates the creation of a network or caucus despite the difficulties inherent in organizing a national effort. Most folks seem eager to see something built. 2. There appears to be significant interest in the January 1998 Caucus meeting in Phoenix Arc has received a number of positive responses on the upcoming January meeting. Organizations like the Rural Alliance for Military Accountability have expressed their interest (as RAB members) in attending the Caucus as have RAB community members and CoChairs. A number of individuals have asked about travel scholarships. Given the Email response combined with interest expressed to us from other quarters, Arc is moving ahead with the organizing of this meeting. So clearly there is interest in creating a RAB network/caucus and the January meeting is coming up which will provide an appropriately attended forum to act on these points. Therefore we need some process for both defining what it is we want to accomplish and to develop a proposed structure for how we want to accomplish those goals. To accomplish that task, I would propose the following process: STEP 1. The development of Discussion Papers on mission and structure Arc proposes that between now and January 2, 1998 Discussion Papers be developed which discuss proposals for the activities and structure of the RAB campaign. The papers needn't very long. However to really expedite the discussion, I suggest that the Papers should include a presentation on the following items: > The author's view of the goals and objectives of the effort; > The types of activities the author believes the entity should undertake; and > A discussion of the structure the author envisions as most likely to advance the goals, objectives and activities they have identified. STEP 2. The Distribution of Discussion Papers Arc proposes that Careerpro and Arc agree to circulate the Discussion Papers. The Discussion Papers would circulated via Email and posted on the Careerpro BBS. Arc Ecology will mail out a synopsis of the various Discussion Papers we have received with our Caucus outreach materials and will provide full hard copy versions in the Caucus packets which will then be distributed to those individuals who are participating in the January Caucus. (Full versions of the Discussion Papers will be provided to all who request them regardless of attendance at the January Caucus) The distribution of the Discussion Papers over the Careerpro BBS will hopefully generate ongoing discussion and refinements in individual papers. It is important to remember that the Careerpro BBS is monitored by individuals within the DoD, its contractors, the USEPA and other regulators. So if one wishes to raise strategic issues confidentially, send the Email directly to the individuals and/or groups you wish to talk to. Arc is proposing a cut off date of January 2, 1998 for the receipt of Discussion Papers. This is to enable us to distribute the Papers and the January Caucus packet in a timely fashion. It is not meant to be a cut-off of ongoing discussions. STEP 3. The Discussion Papers will be presented, discussed, voted upon or tabled at the January 1998 Caucus Arc proposes that while there will of-course be ongoing discussion via the net and phones that the January 1998 Caucus meeting provide the forum for discussing and adopting the recommendations in these Discussion Papers. Arc Ecology is providing professional facilitation for the meeting. Any decisions at the Caucus meeting would represent the agreement of those at the meeting. STEP 4. The mission and structure discussion be held on January 27th in the afternoon To ensure sufficient time for the discussion, we propose amending the agenda we uploaded for the January Caucus. We propose a caucus meeting for the afternoon of the 27th. The meeting would occur while members of the DERTF tours Williams Air Force Base. Although this would lengthen the meeting somewhat, it would have the additional benefit of providing more time for the background and DERTF discussions on the 26th as well. Clarifying Arc's position regarding the structure of the Caucus While I appreciate Curt's endorsement and am concerned about issues he raised, I think his and some of the recent traffic has somewhat confused Arc's purpose in calling the January 1998 caucus meeting. I'd like to clarify it now. 1. Arc is committed to building a national campaign around RABs Arc supports the creation of a network of RAB community members. Like Sam Goodhope, we believe that the current situation is deteriorating. It is our view that the strategies implemented in to address the issue on the national level since 1990 have had very little real affect. In-fact we are quite concerned that we are losing ground that was gained in the 1980's with regard to base cleanup. We see a national caucus of RAB community members as being one of the more effective approaches we can be taking to rectify the situation. Arc, like many groups, has seen the creation of a number of networks over the years that have done very little, so we're very much interested in participating in the creation of a group that will actually deal with the issues RABs face. We prefer to use the word caucus because it implies the group will be taking action. 2. Arc has no fixed view of the structure of that campaign In-so-far as a structure is concerned, while Arc has its own point of view, we also believe that our opinions are best informed when they are informed by other people. We see a number of structures that could work. Some examples: > one model that has worked is the creation of a Caucus that has a secretariat that provides the administrative and campaign support; > another model is the distribution of very specific tasks such as technical support, maintenance of a BBS, outreach on Capitol Hill among specific organizations who in-turn are responsible for implementing a strategy that has been set by a general Caucus or a board of directors; > a third model would be to establish smaller working groups of RAB members to focus on developing policy on very specific issues such as health risk assessment or RAB guidances with the overall program coordinated by a RAB council or board of directors. Each of these models have positive and negative elements to them. We are very much interested in hearing other perspectives on these and other alternatives. Furthermore, aside from the question of goals, objectives and structure there is the immediate question of how to address the issues being discussed by DERTF. As a result, Arc does not have a set agenda regarding the structure of a national entity or how it will operate. 3. Arc's objectives for the January Caucus Our objectives for the January caucus are therefore to: > Bring as many RAB community members from around the United States as we can together to participate in the discussion > Discuss topics on the upcoming DERTF meeting agenda > Discuss and possibly create a national RAB caucus and structure 4. Maximizing the participation of RAB members With all due respect to the valuable service that Careerpro provides, as I've stated in the past, one of Arc's ongoing concerns with regard to using the BBS as the vehicle for making these decisions is the audience participating in the discussion is far too small to be at all representative of the community-based parties interested in the outcome. From our point of view the more RAB members that participate in the discussion, the more likely it is that the outcome will reflect the opinions of most RAB members. The reason we believe the January Caucus is the logical venue for making such decisions is because we will be making every effort to get a responsibly sized sample of RAB members to attend from around the country. Decisions made at that venue wil l have greater credibility because they will be more representative of RABs as a whole. 5. An open decision-making process Arc is committed to democratic decision-making processes and the Caucus will be no exception. As indicated above, Arc will be hiring an independent contractor to facilitate the Caucus. If a structure is created for RAB community member cooperation at the January caucus, Arc's goal is that it be done as a result of an open deliberative democratic process involving the Caucus' participants. 6. Following up the Caucus After the conclusion of the Caucus, Arc will be producing its proceedings and will distribute them back to all RAB members, and to all associated organizations and individuals that have requested copies. While the contents of the proceedings will be decided at the Caucus, presumably they will include the results of the meeting and details about the decisions that were made including points of contact to follow-up on the national RAB campaign. So that's as much of our point of view right now as we know of it. I hope these comments are helpful in-terms of moving the discussions forward. Thanks for your interest. On behalf of Arc Ecology Saul Bloom |
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