1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 13:28:38 -0700
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Reply to signs and fences query

I would like to offer the following regarding the use of signs and
fences to safe guard against UXO hazards.

First of all they don't work! Human nature, the way it is, is only
attracted to such devices, not deterred as one might think.

While I am unaware of any studies conducted on this issue I can only
pass along my observations based on over twenty-five years experence
working directly in the UXO/EOD field. I have seen repetitively
incidents where death and injury have occurred where individuals
disregarded posted signs and fences.

Most of those incidents can be traced thru federal and state lawsuits.
In every incident that I am aware of, DOD has lost.

I have heard this somewhere, and I don't know where it was. But, what I
heard was that the Army would rather pay for fences and signs and gamble
that no one gets hurt, rather that take the time and effort to conduct
range clearance operations. Since that time in my dealing with the
Treaty Implmentation and Planing Agency tasked with returning UXO
contaminated lands to Panama I have found this rationale to be both true
and in the mindset of DOD personnel. At one meeting I was told directly
that quote, "people in third world countries die every day". This was
in response to my concerns that faulty or improper information was
contained in a report that I worked on.

I do remember a couple of incidents that may provide you with some
needed references. There was in 1975/76 time period at Ft. Carson, CO
an accident involving two teenagers. Both were killed as a result of
entering a 40mm grenade range through, if I remember right, three
separate fences. A big court case! There were a couple of other
incidents around that same time period, all of which resulted in either
court cases or out of court settlements. A second area would be in
Southern California. I do remember two separate incidents, both
involving the "fenced and marked" bombing range outside of El Centro,
Naval Flight Facility.
Lenny Siegel
Director, SFSU CAREER/PRO (and Pacific Studies Center)
c/o PSC, 222B View St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
Fax: 650/968-1126

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