2000 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Susan Gawarecki <loc@icx.net>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 15:18:05 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Documents from TechDirect
>From TechDirect:


A Guide to Developing and Documenting Cost Estimates During the Feasibility
Study (EPA-540-R-00-002).  This report was prepared by the U.S. EPA Office
of Emergency and Remedial Response and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'
Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Center of Expertise.  It provides
protocols for developing cost estimates of remedial alternatives during the
remedial investigation/feasibility study process to improve the
consistency, completeness, and accuracy of cost estimates.  The document
presents clear procedures and expectations, a checklist of cost elements,
and example formats.  It also identifies resources for estimating costs
during the feasibility study (July 2000, 76 pages) plus several appendices.
 View or download at
http://www.epa.gov/superfund/resources/remedy/costest.htm .

Solidification/Stabilization Use at Superfund Sites (EPA 542-R-00-010).
This report was published by the U.S. EPA Technology Innovation Office.  It
provides the most recent information about solidification/stabilization
applications at Superfund sites, as well as information about trends in
use, specific types of applications, and cost (September 2000, 28 pages).
View or download at http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm .  For hard copies,
contact (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax to (513) 489-8695.

Potential Applicability of Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment
Technologies to RCRA Waste Streams and Contaminated Media (EPA
542-R-00-004).  This report was published by the U.S. EPA Technology
Innovation Office.  It provides an evaluation of the potential
applicability of Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment (ACWA) technologies
to RCRA waste streams and contaminated media found at RCRA and Superfund
sites.  The information in this report is intended to provide site managers
information on the potential uses of ACWA technologies and to help
technology providers better understand the potential market for those and
similar technologies (August 2000, 88 pages).  View or download at
http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm. For hard copies, contact (800) 490-9198 or
(513) 489-8190 or fax to (513) 489-8695.

Innovations in Site Characterization Case Study: Site Cleanup of the
Wenatchee Tree Fruit Test Plot Site Using a Dynamic Work Plan (EPA
542-R-00-009).  The Wenatchee Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center site
contained soils contaminated with organochlorine pesticides,
organophosphorus pesticides, and other pesticides due to
agriculture-related research activities conducted from 1966 until the
mid-1980s.  The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers used a dynamic work plan
guided by field analyses to seamlessly integrate the site characterization
and cleanup portions of the project.  Characterization, excavation, and
segregation of contaminated soil was based on the results of immunoassay
(IA) test kits for DDT and cyclodiene pesticides.  An initial pilot test
and then continuing evaluation of data comparability between the IA methods
and fixed laboratory pesticide results allowed the USACE team to develop
site-specific IA kit action levels that guided on-site decision-making.
Characterization, cleanup, and closure was accomplished within a single
4-month field mobilization, and the entire project cost ($589K) was about
half the cost ($1.2 million) estimated according to a more traditional site
characterization and remediation scenario relying on multiple rounds of
field mobilization, sampling, sample shipment, laboratory analysis, and
data assessment (August 2000, 46 pages). View or download at
http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm .  Hard copies will be available in 2-3
weeks, contact (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax to (513) 489-8695.

UXO Detection at Jefferson Proving Ground Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
(ERDC/CRREL TR-00-005).  This document was published by the US Army Corps
of Engineers Cold Regions Research Laboratory.  Ground-penetrating radar
(GPR) was used to detect UXO and nonordnance on the 40-acre site at
Jefferson Proving Ground, Indiana.  The report discusses the results of
that effort.  It concluded that GPR is effective for finding targets in
this type of soil to no more than 2-m depth (April 2000, 38 pages). View or
download at

Evaluating the Hanby Test Kits for Screening Soil and Groundwater for Total
Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Field Demonstration (ERDC/CRREL TR-00-007).  This
document was published by the US Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions
Research Laboratory.  This report evaluates the methods of analysis that
can be used with the Hanby Test Kits for assessing the total petroleum
hydrocarbon (TPH) contamination in environmental matrices (June 2000, 28
pages). View or download at

Innovative Technology Summary Report: Electrical Resistance Tomography for
Subsurface Imaging (DOE/EM-0538). This report was produced by the U.S.
Department of Energy.  Electrical Resistance Tomography allows site
investigators to view two- or three-dimensional electrical resistivity
images of the subsurface on an on-site computer terminal within minutes of
data acquisition. ERT For Subsurface Imaging technology has been
successfully demonstrated for monitoring remediation processes, detecting
potential leaks under high-level waste tanks, measuring moisture movement
in fractured rock, and for verifying the effectiveness of subsurface
barriers (June 2000, 34 pages).  View or download at
http://ost.em.doe.gov/ifd/scfa/itsrs/itsr17/itsr17.pdf .

Tech Trends (EPA 542-N-00-005).  Tech Trends is a quarterly newsletter that
provides descriptions and performance data for innovative source control
technologies that have been applied in the field.  This issue highlights
innovative bioremediation technologies used to treat contaminated soils
(August 2000, 4 pages).  View or download at http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm
.  For hard copies, contact (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax to
(513) 489-8695.

Ground Water Currents (EPA 542-N-00-006).  This issue highlights the use of
peroxide, ozone, and permanganate in remediating ground water through
chemical oxidation/reduction. In addition, it includes a description of
results obtained in field uses of phytoremediation and biologically
enhanced reductive dechlorination (September 2000, 4 pages).  View or
download at http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm .  Hard copies will be available
in 2-3 weeks, contact (800) 490-9198 or (513) 489-8190 or fax to (513)489-8695.

Site Remediation Technology InfoBase:  A Guide to Federal Programs,
Information Resources, and Publications on Contaminated Site Cleanup
Technologies (EPA 542-B-00-005). This report was developed by the member
agencies of the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable (FRTR).  It is
a directory of Federal programs responsible for cleaning up contaminated
sites AND technology development assistance programs [June 2000, 80 pages].
 View or download at http://www.frtr.gov .

If you have any questions regarding TechDirect, contact Jeff Heimerman at
(703) 603-7191 or heimerman.jeff@epa.gov. Remember, you may subscribe,
unsubscribe or change your subscription address at
http://clu-in.org/techdrct any time night or day.
Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee
The August issue of "Insights" is now on our Web site
http://www.local-oversight.org - E-mail loc@icx.net 

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