From: | |
Date: | 15 Dec 2000 23:15:47 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] SFAAP: Mr. Hastings have you lied to the Federal District Court. |
Dear Mr. Hastings: After I read the below article that appeared in the Kansas City Star I=20 wanted to let you know that if the facts as stated are true then you have= =20 lied to the Federal District Court. In addition you have not met with any= =20 of the Indian tribes (Osage or United Tribe of Shawnee Indians and others)= =20 that are also associated with Indians historic site preservation or Indian= =20 grave site preservation at the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant (SFAAP) as= =20 mandated by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA; 16= =20 U.S.C. =A7 470f). See: for mandates. Mr. Hastings have you lied to the Federal District Court? Jimmie D. Oyler, Principal Chief United tribe of Shawnee Indians >Federal agency handling Oz land transfer accused of misrepresentations >By GRACE HOBSON - The Kansas City Star >Date: 12/13/00 22:15 >A citizen group that has sued the federal government over its handling of >the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant transfer says the government made >"blatant misrepresentations" to the judge handling the suit. >Taxpayers Opposed To Oz, or TOTO, sued the General Services Administration >earlier this year. The group alleged that the agency had not followed the >National Historic Preservation Act when it cleared the way to transfer >Sunflower to the Oz Entertainment Co. >In a status report filed in the case last month, the agency said one >historical preservation group, the Oregon-California Trails Association, >"no longer (has) any preservation concerns" about the proposed transfer. >"That's not correct," said Craig Crease, a member of the group who is >working on Sunflower preservation issues. "We've made no report to the >(General Services Administration). I have no idea where they got that." >In looking for historical trails that would need to be preserved, the= group >has surveyed the Sunflower property and plans to do more investigation >there. So far it has not found any trails, but it does plan to make >recommendations to the agency, Crease said. >"Our final conclusions aren't in yet," Crease said. "That's why we were >quite surprised that (the agency) said we were done." >Blaine Hastings, the General Services Administration official handling the >transfer, said a member of the trails group had told a federal official >that the group had found no trails. The agency may have assumed from the >comment that the group had no preservation concerns, he said. >"There's nothing left to preserve," Hastings said. "It may be that= somebody >made a leap of faith as to what needs to be done out there." >TOTO attorney William Session took issue with two other points in the >status report, which he said contained blatant misrepresentations. >The agency wrote that it had agreed with TOTO and other interested parties >to rewrite a document governing the transfer to make sure any historical >sites would be protected. >Session said the parties had not agreed on how the document would be >rewritten. >Hastings said TOTO would be able to provide input into how the agreement >document was rewritten. >Session also took issue with the agency's assertion that a meeting would= be >conducted this month with TOTO and other groups. >The December meeting won't be held, Hastings said, because the agency does >not have anything to report. The transfer has been stalled by the Johnson >County Commission's tie vote last month on the Oz project. >Session said that he had asked the federal judge to allow TOTO to respond >to the government's status reports but that the judge had not ruled on the >request. The judge has put the suit on hold. >"We're extremely worried about it, but we're uncertain what we can do= about >it under the circumstances," Session said. >TOTO and other groups will have a telephone conference Friday to discuss >how to respond to the agency's report, Session said. >The agency plans to file another status report this week, said Assistant >U.S. Attorney Janice Miller Karlin. She said she could not comment on >TOTO's concerns with the report. >,local/3774fc31.c13,.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics | |
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