2001 CPEO Military List Archive

From: StellaVB@aol.com
Date: 21 May 2001 17:20:41 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] UXO experts say Mare Island cleanup botched

Reading this article came as no surprise to those of us who have been dealing
in closed or transferred sites contaminated with UXO's. The theme through all
of these sites is a lack of accountability and responsibility by the branch
who used the land and then the local government's bottom line of revenue with
total disregard for the people of the community.

I found several areas of discrepancies or at least another 'twist' on the
logic presented:

Why are the cleanup specialists (i.e., =A0UXO/EOD trained personnel) expert
advice being ignored or worse yet, given the appearance they are inept in
their field, particularly when many of them have been trained by the DoD or
one of our military branches?

Mayor Intintoli Jr.'s comments about 'I never experienced the Navy acting
negligently or recklessly' may be true up to a point but with each BRAC/FUDS
site, this same scenario is repeated over and over again, regardless of the
branch. I would suggest the Mayor talk to those involved with Fort Ord or the
Massachusetts Military Range or any other closures in regard to 'reckless'
behavior by the military. =A0It has taken lawsuits to achieve what should be
a natural progression, that is making a mess and then cleaning it up for the
communities who made military feel welcomed.

The UXO experts know the unreliability regarding technologies and=20
methodologies to cleanup practices. =A0I find it 'odd' that the Navy did not
involve the USACE to begin with, though the Corps has proven they are behind
the times in regard to the practices they use. =A0I can say this with no
malice due to being a RAB member of the Camp Bonneville Base Closure in
Vanc., WA and witnessing old traditional site characterizations by the Corps
themselves now working with EPA and DOE to utilize newer methods and

As for the comments made by Bill Moore, Lennar's Project Manager regarding
regulations by the different environmental agencies, I would also challenge
Mr. Moore to talk to the other BRAC/FUDS sites regarding said entities and
their track records. It is obvious not all those who work within EPA, DOE,
DTSC, etc., are trustworthy of such a title. I have many friends within EPA
who understand not all fellow employees are doing their job-protecting the
environment. I can also state, firsthand, that is NOT the case with our EPA
and DOE reps for Camp Bonneville. We work with the finest men from these
agencies. I believe they deserve some sort of recognition and reward for
their integrity, not only for doing their jobs but for their commitment to
the communities they protect.

Beyond the danger of what UXO's were created to due - harm, kill or maim
people, UXO's create chemical contamination in the ground and groundwater.
Has the Navy attempted to test the water under Mare Island for such

I will use a favorite phrase from the military: The "bottom line" here
appears to be money (by both the elected public servants and the Navy) with
no belief in their own words 'to serve and protect the public and the
environment from harm'. What a terrible legacy the Navy is leaving behind and
what a terrible reality the community is going to have to live with if they
do not stand up and right this wrong.

Stella Bourassa

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