From: | |
Date: | 7 Aug 2001 19:16:21 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] DOE facilities to be closed under military base closure process? |
This is an interesting development. Considering the nature and extent of contamination on DOE facilities, I would be interested to see how the Administration proposes to accomplish cleanup under the base closure process. --Susan Gawarecki On Monday, August 5, Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) wrote: OMB looking at closing or realigning DOE facilities as part of the military base closure process. ECA has been informed by administration officials that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is looking at ways to decrease US excess defense facilities -- labs, DOE facilities, etc. -- as part of its just released military base closure legislation. The administration's idea is for each federal agency that has defense missions and excess capacity to look at closing or realigning functions. In the past, DOE has closed or realigned facilities through negotiations with Congressional delegations and has not required special legislation to take actions. However, DOE has been unable to close or realign specific facilities - including national labs -- because of the interest in the labs by Congressional members. OMB is looking at the possibility of adding non-military facilities to the military base closure process equation because the base closure process is looked at by Congress as a way to have an independent committee make recommendations on closures, the President would approve/disapprove all of the facilities as group and than Congress would either approve/disapprove of the whole list. The administration and Congressional bills have set forth three different military base closure models -- all starting in 2003 (after the mid-term Congressional elections). Adding non-military bases to the base closure legislation could end support for the legislation on Capitol Hill. However, it could also be a provision added the bill if the legislation is close to passage in the Conference committee. It is critical that we watch OMB's actions during the August recess and into September/October for movement on the idea. ECA has not spoken to anyone in Congress about this issue -- only administration staff. The general military base closure process is as follows (from past rounds - the administration introduced a slightly different process on Thursday - however the final legislation is expected to look like the past legislation with modifications): - President Nominates 8 Commissioners (both Majority and Minority leaders of the House and Senate nominate people to the President)--January 2003 - Senate Confirms the Commissioners - Secretary of Defense, after analysis of each military base delivers recommendations to the Commission--March 2003 - Commission conducts hearings around the country--ends around June 2003 - Commission delivers recommendations to the President and the President approves/disapproves of the process--July 2003 - If rejected, the Commission shall provide revised recommendations--the President can end the process at this point by rejecting a second time. - President transmits his recommendations to Congress and Congress approves/disapproves--if not approved process ends--September 2003 - Recommendations Initiated within 2 Years and Completed in 6 Years This is at least a wake up to call to the sites and the communities about the Administration's plans to cut excess facilities. In addition to the looking at the OMB proposal, communities must also be aware that within DOE, the new administration's push is to excess (get rid of or transfer) its excess facilities -- either way over the next couple of months we will begin to see DOE acting to shrink the number of facilities/acres of land that it owns at a pace that we have not seen since the 1990s. On Tuesday, August 6, ECA wrote: This is a follow-up to this morning's Monday Update [see above message]: The Administration has put forth a proposal for another round of Base Closures and Realignments, entitled the 'Efficient Facilities Initiative' (EFI) Under the Administration's EFI, Department of Energy sites are included in the Base Closure process. Within the legislation (see link above--page 7, section (6)(B)), the term 'military installation' is defined as: "(B) The term 'military installation' also includes any facility under the jurisdiction of the Department of Energy or any other Federal agency that supports the mission of, or is located within, adjacent to, or operated in conjunction or coordination with, an installation under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense within the meaning of subparagraph (A) above. The Secretary of Defense may not include such a facility in the published and transmitted list of military installations that the Secretary recommends for closure or realignment under section 2903(c) unless, after prior consultation, the head of the agency that has jurisdiction over the facility has concurred in writing with the Secretary's recommendation." .... Please note: The Administration's proposal has not been officially introduced in either the House or Senate, and therefore does not have a bill number at this time. -- ..................................................... Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee ----- A schedule of meetings on DOE issues is posted on our Web site - E-mail ..................................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
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