2001 CPEO Military List Archive

From: StellaVB@aol.com
Date: 28 Aug 2001 17:50:10 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: [CPEO-MEF] DOE facilities to be closed under military baseclosure process?
What is the 'purpose' or 'intent' of closing DOE facilities under the BRAC 
process?  The facts stand that there is contamination issues on the existing 
closed/transfered sites, congressional money allocated to these cleanups are 
shrinking, sending out very negative messages to the communities with said 
sites, the different governmental and military agencies bickering constantly 
over a 'plan of attack' for cleanup which wastes time but more importantly 
money, which is the number one reason given by the military for lack of 
cleanup and now 'someone' wants to add more burden/pressure to an already 
burdensome process? 

Who came up with this idea?

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