2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 8 Apr 2003 17:01:38 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Tests show pollutants in Kelly area
Tests show pollutants in Kelly area
By Christopher Anderson
San Antonio Express-News
Web Posted : 04/08/2003 12:00 AM

As the Air Force seeks approval of its final plans for the environmental
cleanup at the former Kelly AFB, researchers reported Monday that they
have found sporadic but lingering signs of toxic chemicals in the soil
and water below homes near the former air base.

One study of homegrown fruit, peppers and pecans showed no sign of any
contaminants except in one instance, Kyle Cunningham, program manager of
the Public Center for Environmental Health, said at a Texas Public
Health Association conference.

Of 47 samples taken last year with the agreement of homeowners in the
Kelly area, one showed a citrus tree containing perchloroethene, or PCE,
at a level of 2.9 parts per billion — still below the 5 ppb maximum
level established by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Another test of fruit from the same small tree in January showed no
trace of PCE, a manufactured chemical that is widely used for metal
degreasing and in dry-cleaning.

The health risks of ingesting low levels of PCE are unknown, according
to the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

Cunningham also said that samples taken from four privately owned water
wells at homes located above the contaminated shallow groundwater plume
linked to Kelly showed at least traces of toxic chemicals.

While none of the wells are used for drinking, the samples confirm that
the Air Force has some work to do to fulfill its pledge to clean up the
shallow groundwater plume to drinking water standards.

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