2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 1 Jul 2003 16:46:54 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: RE: [CPEO-MEF] Credibility Gap
The following response was posted by Wayne Crist <WWCRIST@mactec.com>
It is clear that most if not all government agency use taxpayer money to
push philosophical positions - Positions that someone will disagree and
resent.  Tell me do you resent EPA marketing and lobbying their
positions?  Is educating the public to your particular position nothing
more than marketing and depending on who you are talking to isn't it
lobbying?  Isn't it partisan when EPA markets and lobbies for laws that
they will be responsible to interpret and enforce?  Didn't EPA push hard
when they had sympatric ears in Congress and the White house? I suggest
such actions are part of their job.  If they don't do it they are not
doing what the taxpayers paying for?  To resent the military trying (in
their eyes) to reduce costs, simplify and provide more effective and
realistic training is foolish.  That is part of their job. It is our job
is to weigh the evidence and take appropriate action.

Having worked on both sides (private and DOD) I have found far more
integrity on the DOD side to do the right thing.  For instant based on
your previous writings I could not see put you in role that would impact
a military base's cleanup.  Your thoughts are far too one-sided when it
involves the military.

You last statement implying the American military is purposely poisoning
the country in attempt to defend your position is unnecessary and

Wayne Crist

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