2004 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 5 Apr 2004 18:12:15 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: RE: Doctor from Camp Lujuene - and TCE
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[The following message from Jana Herbert Walsh, for some reason, did not appear in the previous posting. --Aimee]

When a base has contamination, such as TCE, Perchlorate, arsenic, etc., and
the plumes keep moving...if that base closes, is there a difference in
clean-up process, expectations, deadlines, contractors, etc.?  For example,
Beale AFB has TCE and Perchlorate plumes popping up while they are
apparently trying to keep them in check and out of the ground water.  But,
already one of the contaminants has made its way into properties off base
and when I attend their RAB meetings, another plume has popped up.  What
could be my expectations should Beale AFB not make it past the 2005 BRAC
process...the current Administration's lack of responsibility to NEPA and
CEQA has me worried already now and I am wondering what to expect once any
base is no longer active, but still has contamination problems.  Thanks.
Jana Walsh

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