2004 CPEO Military List Archive

From: dwight_hempel@blm.gov
Date: 17 Aug 2004 15:38:13 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Ft. Wingate Propellant Disposal
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The article in the Topica Digest, issue 1084, same subject, is both
inaccurate and misleading.  As the Department of the Interior Team Lead for
the Fort Wingate base closure and transfer,  I'd like to correct the

The TPL operation is a recycling operation, not a disposal operation.  TPL
is doing what the environmental community has requested for years --
replace open burn/open detonation (OB/OD) with neutralization and/or

TPL recycles bags of propellants (used for large caliber munitions) and
propellants in practice munitions into an explosive gel used in the mining
industry.  There is no OB/OD associated with this process.  There is no
on-site disposal of anything.  Those portions of the practice munitions and
propellants that can not be recycled -- mostly packing material -- is sent
to a RCRA approved disposal facility.

As in any manufacturing process, production line runs are tested to ensure
product standards are met.  The on-site detonations are for the purpose of
testing the production runs of explosive gel.  The test shots (last one
done in August 2002) are less than 100 lbs of energetic material.

The off-site detonations are for research and development purposes and are
done at an approved site near Albuquerque.

TPL operates under the scrutiny of the DDESB and ATF for safety purposes;
OSHA for occupational health; Defense Contracting Agency and Army's Field
Support Command for meeting all Defense regulations, including
environmental regulations, relating to military munitions; EPA and the New
Mexico Environment Department.  Additionally, TPL is a sub-contractor to
General Dynamics for the military munitions recycling contracts and General
Dynamics has an employee on-site to ensure TPL's operations are in
compliance with General Dynamics' policies and procedures.  TPL's operation
is the most tightly regulated operation I've ever been associated with.

My connection with TPL?  The Department of the Interior will be an interim
future landlord for TPL.  The ultimate disposition of the lands and
facilities used by TPL is planned to be in trust for the Navajo Nation and
Pueblo of Zuni.  The DOI is very concerned that TPL's operation meet or
exceed all safety and environmental requirements, not only for DOI's
interests, but also under the Department's obligation as trustee for the
tribes.  Therefore, DOI and tribal personnel stay current on TPL operations
and informally (at this time) review their operations for anything which
may be of concern to us and the community.

Dwight J. Hempel
DOI Team Lead, Fort Wingate Transfer
Bureau of Land Management
1849 C St., NW (ms 1000LS)
Washington, DC 20240
(202) 452-7778    FAX: 452-7708

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