2005 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Susan Gawarecki <loc@icx.net>
Date: 31 Aug 2005 23:07:02 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Students will learn delicate art of exploding old arsenals
Students will learn delicate art of exploding old arsenals
Knoxville News Sentinel
By BOB FOWLER, fowlerb@knews.com
August 30, 2005

OAK RIDGE - Fake detonation cord strung between two mock anti-tank shells was cut Monday afternoon to launch the nation's first private school to train people to dispose of unexploded bombs and mines. The unorthodox ribbon-cutting ceremony opened the Center for Unexploded Ordnance Training. It's a new division of American Technologies Inc. and is in a nondescript building off Fairbanks Road. "There's a whole industry built around unexploded ordnance,'' ATI executive Steven C. Moores said.

The school, certified by the state Board of Higher Education, starts its first seven-week course today. Two retired military men are teaching the course, which costs $7,000. Each class will train up to 24 students. Graduates will become certified as technicians in the specialized field, and they will be much in demand, officials said. Starting pay is $21 an hour, Moores said.

In the United States alone, there are 10 million acres that are now unusable because of unexploded ordnance, said school instructor Myles West, a retired U.S. Army veteran. Much of the land is on old military bases where troops trained for combat, he said. "The big push is to clean up that land,'' said West, who said students at the new school will work 10-hour days.

For full story, see http://www3.knoxnews.com/kns/local_news/article/0,1406,KNS_347_4039787,00.html

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