Dr. Chin Man Mok, GSI Environmental, Inc.
Ms. Poonam Kulkarni, GSI Environmental, Inc.
October 24, 2019
12:00 PM ET (9:00 AM PT)
Register Now!
Join SERDP and ESTCP on Thursday, October 24 for a webinar detailing results from Department of Defense (DoD) funded research on addressing difficult-to-treat contaminated sites with high resolution site characterization and contaminant mass flux reduction. First, Dr. Chin Man Mok from GSI Environmental, Inc. will discuss the use of hydraulic tomography as a site characterization technique for delineating the spatial distributions of hydraulic conductivity and storativity at complex sites. Second, Ms. Poonam Kulkarni, also from GSI, will talk about groundwater flow and mass flux reduction using physical barriers such as permeation grouting and slurry walls.To view speakers’ biographies and to register for this free webinar, please visit https://serdp-estcp.org/Tools-and-Training/Webinar-Series/10-24-2019.
About the SERDP and ESTCP Webinar Series
The overarching goal of the webinar series is to promote the transfer of innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions developed by SERDP and ESTCP. The series targets end users, including practitioners, the regulatory community, and researchers with the objective of providing cutting-edge and practical information from sponsored research and technology demonstrations in an easily accessible format and at no cost. To view the complete schedule of upcoming webinars, please visit https://www.serdp-estcp.org/Tools-and-Training/Webinar-Series.
If you have difficulty registering, please contact the SERDP and ESTCP Support Office at serdp-estcp.webinars@noblis.org or by telephone at 571-372-6565.