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The follow definitions are used in the description of the cleanup technologies

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bedrockA general term for the rock that underlies the soil and water table. It may hold some water either because it is fractured or is porous.
bench scale testA laboratory test in which a small version of the technology is built and evaluated.
biocideA chemical poison used to kill bacteria and small animals and plants. Biocides are commonly used in paint for ships and in piping systems that are constantly exposed to water.
biodegradationDecomposition by natural biological processes
bioremediationProcesses that use living organisms (usually naturally occurring) such as plants, bacteria, yeast, and fungi to break down hazardous substances into less toxic or nontoxic substances.
biosensorA device that uses living organisms, such as enzymes, tissues, microbes, and antibodies, to produce reactions, which are then analyzed to detect the presence of a chemical or chemical reaction.
biotic layerA layer in a landfill cap to prevent animals from burrowing through the cap.
bioventingA remediation technology that enhances bioremediation of soils by providing oxygen. See technology description of Bioventing.
boreholeA hole cut into the ground by means of a drilling rig or an auger.
BTEXBenzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene. These are aromatic volatile organic compounds commonly found with gasoline and other petroleum fuels.

Note: A majority of the terms and definitions are based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Innovative Technology Glossary . Some definitions have been modified/enhanced to support the Tech Tree text.

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This page was last updated OCTOBER 26, 1998
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