1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: eugene_goldfarb@hud.gov
Date: 14 May 1998 14:13:55
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: No Subject Given
Could you please post/publicize a conference that USEPA & HUD are putting 
together in Chicago.  This conference is geared toward providing 
experienced practitioners with tools to build their communities.

I'd like to call your attention to three important elements of this agenda:

1.  Brownfields - not only will the conference present background and 
current trends in brownfield redevelopment, including successful case 
studies, but a HUD representative will provide insights into preparing a 
competitive application for the current $25 million 108/EDI Brownfield 
NOFA.  If any community has received USEPA seed money for Brownfield 
planning, this is the HUD funding for project implementation.

2.  Energy Efficiency - not only will speakers explain the link between 
energy efficiency and affordability, and highlight the opportunities 
presented by rehab, but USDOE has offered to follow up with on site 
technical assistance to local governments that attend the conference.

3.  Lead Based Paint -  not only will speakers review LBP concerns 
relating to rehab, but HUD will highlight changes in the 1992 Act (Title 
X - see June, 1996 proposed regulations) that will dramatically affect 
CDBG and HOME funded rehab.

Please do not hesitate to call me or visit our website  

for more information.  Registration should be made directly with the 
University of Illinois at 312-996-6904.  I look forward to seeing you in 

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