1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Ann Ishimaru <ejag@teleport.com>
Date: 15 Jun 1998 09:00:51
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: community priority criteria?
Due to the recent EPA Showcase designation here in Portland, OR,
brownfields have become a high profile issue and a community priority.
We (Environmental Justice Action Group) are working with the City of
Portland and the state DEQ to look at possible sites to focus on as

Because the community we work in (N/NE Portland) tends to have smaller
brownfield sites in mix-zoned areas, they generally don't register as
"high priority" environmentally.  However, we are interested in
exploring the possibility of looking at sites that are deemed high
priority by the *community* in terms of a range of criteria, such as
proximity to schools & kids, visibility, local interest in
redevelopment, ease of replication, etc.  Does anyone out there know if
this has been done before?  If so, what kind of criteria were used and
how were they applied?

Thanks for any direction here. . .

Ann Ishimaru
Prog. Dir., Environmental Justice Action Group (EJAG)

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