2001 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 22 Feb 2001 18:19:06 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] "Urban villages' sprout in St. Paul"
Urban villages' sprout in St. Paul

City planners are moving ahead with a number of the mixed-use 
development projects, confident that they are the best way to revitalize 
blighted industrial and underused property.


As St. Paul continues its revitalization and redevelopment efforts, just 
about every other project seems to involve the buzzwords of the moment: 
``urban village.''

City planners are working on four major efforts in or near downtown -- 
the North Quadrant, West Side Flats, River Bluff and Upper Landing -- 
with several more proposals in the pipeline for other industrial areas 
or neighborhoods, such as Phalen Corridor on the East Side.

But do such mixed-use developments offer a workable, long-term model for 
rejuvenating cities like St. Paul?

``(The city) is where people work, where they play and where they 
live,'' says Mayor Norm Coleman, who, along with urban design consultant 
Ken Greenberg, has pushed the concept as part of the mayor's vision for 
redeveloping the city. ``The urban village is the way of connecting 
those three realms.''



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