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Please help us publicize these events at Brownfields2019 to your networks since it may become useful to many and we want to field test this tool as thoroughly as possible.
Thanks, Peter
Peter B. Meyer Professor Emeritus of Urban Policy and Economics, U. of Louisville President and Chief Economist, The E.P. Systems Group, Inc.
Council Member, Borough of New Hope 228 Riverwoods Dr. New Hope, PA 18938 USA +1-502-435-3240 I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually,”-- James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son.
Dear Brownfield Communities, Grant Recipients & more: What if local officials, community organizations, nonprofits, and developers could compare potential community benefits (expanded green space, affordable housing, food systems accessibility, etc.) associated with different reuse proposals at a neighborhood level—thereby elevating the collective community voice!? Thanks to a K(6) EPA Brownfields research grant, a team led by the University of Louisville has designed an easy to use, web-based platform for projecting a range of community benefits that result from the redevelopment of brownfields. WE NEED YOUR HELP to road test this tool @ BROWNFIELDS 2019 IN LA…share your insights and ideas on how you and your community might apply it. Such a tool could help focus and align public discussions about BFs redevelopment projects by empowering community voices with relevant data and facilitate better community outcomes through the local land use and environmental cleanup processes. CORE COMPONENTS OF THE TOOLKIT INCLUDE: - Esri ArcGIS Online based web platform that harvests relevant socio-economic data and analyzes outcomes for each of the following redevelopment scenarios:
- Parks & Greenspace
- Housing
- Food Sources
- An Esri Survey123 based handheld mobile application form to supplement national data with fresh contextual data –
- Create or update brownfield inventory status with community and municipal staff input
- Guidebook for how to use and adapt the Toolkit for your community
Please join us Tuesday 12/10 and/or Wednesday 12/11 – details below: Research Team—Dr. Lauren C. Heberle, Director of the Center for Environmental Policy and Management, University of Louisville; Dr. Peter B. Meyer, President and Chief Economist of The E.P. Systems Group, Inc. and Professor Emeritus of Urban Policy and Economics at the University of Louisville; Joseph Schilling,LL.M., Senior Research Associate, The Urban Institute;Chris Harrell, J.D., M.P.A., Founder and Director of Redevelopment for Lazarus Group LLC; Ryan Eckdale-Dudley, Director of Business Development @ Symbiont.
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