1999 CPEO Military List Archive

From: "Marty Walters" <marty_walters@terrasano.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 22:50:14 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Off-Base Sampling
In Hawaii, at the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station
(NCTAMS) at Wahiawa, Oahu, the Navy has been cleaning up PCBs near
transformer stations, and where the contamination went off site, there was a
reluctant agreement to sample soil there as well. Reluctant because the
procedure for doing this seems quite lengthy -- get permission from the
adjacent landowner (pineapple company) through a lengthy chain of command.

Also on Oahu, there are some enormous former fuel storage tanks operated by
the Air Force. The Air Force has done some sampling outside the immediate
area/confines of the tanks to determine to what extent fuel has leaked into
the deep aquifer (a sole source of drinking water aquifer). I believe there
has also been some sampling in a nearby gulch where there is a small
community that relies on its own groundwater well.

I also believe that the Navy has sampled air, groundwater, and soil at a
school adjacent to a former laundry near Pearl Harbor to determine whether
tetrachloroethylene was posing a health risk to students.

Marty Walters

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