2024 CPEO Military List Archive (by Thread)

Last updated: Tue Dec 31 18:00:07 2024
289 messages

[CPEO-MEF] MISSILES, HEALTH: "Documents show toxins in Air Force nuclear missile capsules" Lenny Siegel (01/02/24)

[CPEO-MEF] BUFFER ZONES: "conservation easement to protect land near Shaw Air Force Base. Lenny Siegel (01/02/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Fwd: Webinar Series - Advances in PFAS Leaching Models and Long‑Term Monitoring Lenny Siegel (01/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Fwd: ESTCP Solicitation for FY 2025 Funding: Environmental & Installation Energy Technologies Lenny Siegel (01/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Scripps Survey of Seafloor Off Santa Catalina [CA] Finds Thousands of Aging Navy Munitions" Lenny Siegel (01/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Blood tests offered in New Mexico amid query into ‘forever chemical’ contamination at military bases" Lenny Siegel (01/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: "Coldwater Creek [MO] to finally have warning signs after decades of nuclear contamination" Lenny Siegel (01/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Ewa Beach [Oahu, HI] Residents Left In The Dark About Possible Lead Contamination From Marines’ Shooting Range" Lenny Siegel (01/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFCs, VOCs: Former Tustin Marine Corps Air Station (CA) Lenny Siegel (01/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, REGULATION: "Navy to address impact of firing weapons into the Potomac for a century" Lenny Siegel (01/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, HEALTH: ATSDR releases Pease (NH) health study Lenny Siegel (01/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Five-Year Review at Joint Base Cape Cod (MA) Lenny Siegel (01/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] TECHNOLOGY: Webinar - ESTCP FY 2025 Funding Opportunities Lenny Siegel (01/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Defense Department to again target ‘forever chemicals’ contamination near [Wurtsmith AFB] Michigan military base" Lenny Siegel (01/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] BUFFER ZONES: Florida Sentinel Landscapes Partnership Lenny Siegel (01/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, HEALTH: "Sen. Rubio Seeks Answers About Cancer-Linked Chemicals in Florida Military Bases" Lenny Siegel (01/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: "600 truckloads of radioactive dirt removed along Coldwater Creek near Jana Elementary ..., " Florissant, MO Lenny Siegel (01/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, FORMER SITES: Former Schilling Air Force Base, Salina, KS Lenny Siegel (01/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, GLOBAL: "Safer method for disposing of ordnance being used in Okinawa, " Japan Lenny Siegel (01/29/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, NATURAL RESOURCES: "Ft. Jackson [SC] ammunition contaminating watershed. What does it mean for base’s neighbors?" Lenny Siegel (01/31/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: "Camp Lejeune [NC] water contamination tied to a range of cancers, CDC study says" Lenny Siegel (02/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, REGULATION: EPA proposes two hazardous waste rules Lenny Siegel (02/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Navy urges more well testing as Whidbey Island [WA] water contamination possibly widens" Lenny Siegel (02/03/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, INTERNATIONAL: GAO report on Cold War radwaste abroad Lenny Siegel (02/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, SHIPS: Long Beach, CA "Shipyard veterans may have been exposed to cancer-causing radioactive materials." Lenny Siegel (02/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: FUSRAP annual report now available Lenny Siegel (02/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL: "New Red Hill [HI] suit with 2, 200 plaintiffs claims contamination of Navy water continues" Lenny Siegel (02/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "Japan exception to U.S. military’s handling of PFAS contamination" Lenny Siegel (02/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] CSWAB UPDATE: Does U.S. Military Chaff Contain PFAS? info (02/09/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Titan "Missile Site’s TCE Spreading to Border of Active-Adult Community," Lincoln, CA Lenny Siegel (02/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HERBICIDES, VETERANS: "VA to ease benefits rules for vets exposed to Agent Orange in the US" Lenny Siegel (02/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: "US Army to begin excavating up to 300 tons of contaminated soil at former [Tarheel] missile plant in Burlington, " NC Lenny Siegel (02/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Lead Detections Near Puuloa Shooting Range [HI] Prompt Calls For Investigation" Lenny Siegel (02/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Navy looks to test drinking wells for potential 'forever chemicals' from" St. Juliens Creek Annex, VA Lenny Siegel (02/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren (VA) and the Potomac River Lenny Siegel (02/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Webinar Series - Novel Research on PFAS Adsorptive Technologies Lenny Siegel (02/14/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Three bombs from WWII found in Florida bay, military says. Now, they’ll be detonated " Lenny Siegel (02/14/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: La Cieneguilla : "Unable to drink their water, residents want action — and answers from the New Mexico National Guard." Lenny Siegel (02/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Air Force secretive about PFAS contamination at Martin Air National Guard base in Maryland" Lenny Siegel (02/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] BUFFER ZONES: "South Carolina Lowcountry Sentinel Landscape" Lenny Siegel (02/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: "Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine Removed from EPA Superfund List" Lenny Siegel (02/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Forever chemicals reach extraordinary levels in wildlife at Holloman Air Force Base" Lenny Siegel (02/22/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL, MILITARY FAMILIES: Mañana Military Housing, HI (Red Hill) Lenny Siegel (02/22/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Long-awaited drinking water testing available for residents near" Fairchild Air Force Base, WA Lenny Siegel (02/22/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PRESERVATION, REUSE: Historic arch hangar at former Loring Air Force Base, ME Lenny Siegel (02/22/24)

[CPEO-MEF] BUFFER ZONES: "235 acres of land bordering Naval Weapons Station Earle [NJ] in the southern part of the township have been permanently protected from development" Lenny Siegel (02/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, FUEL: Buxton Beach, NC Lenny Siegel (02/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: New Mexico "Environment Department provides update on PFAS contamination near the Santa Fe Airport" Lenny Siegel (02/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "U.S. Claims Immunity in Some PFAS Water Contamination Lawsuits Over Use of AFFF Foam on Military Bases" Lenny Siegel (02/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs, REUSE: TCE cleanup at Hill Air Force Base, UT Lenny Siegel (02/29/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Former Vint Hill (VA) Army base "could be source of Occoquan Reservoir contaminants, experts say" Lenny Siegel (02/29/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, MUNITIONS: "Full cleanup of Burma Road, other former military sites on Kodiak Island [AL], is still years away " Lenny Siegel (03/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: "Florissant homes built on Coldwater Creek [MO] may sit on radioactive contamination" Lenny Siegel (03/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Virtual Triage Pat Elder (03/06/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Vapor intrusion at former Wurtsmith Air Force Base (MI) Lenny Siegel (03/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Tucson, AZ Lenny Siegel (03/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE, RADIATION, CLIMATE: "US Navy Acknowledges Rising Toxic Groundwater Threat at [former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard]" CA Lenny Siegel (03/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, FORMER SITES: Salina, KS begins PFAS sampling at former Schilling Air Force Base Lenny Siegel (03/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, FUEL: ‘Forever Chemicals’ In Red Hill [HI] Groundwater Warrant More Investigation Lenny Siegel (03/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: EPA to Publish Revisions to the Standards for Open Burning/Open Detonation of Waste Explosives Lenny Siegel (03/12/24)

[CPEO-MEF] EPA: Open Burning PFAS and Highly Toxic Chemicals Will Continue at Domestic Burn Pits info (03/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Can you donate to help CPEO/PSC "stay in business"? Lenny Siegel (03/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Pentagon tries to dodge PFAS lawsuits over a product it helped invent" Lenny Siegel (03/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: "An inside look at radioactive waste testing underneath homes in north St. Louis County, " MO Lenny Siegel (03/18/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: UPDATE: EPA to Publish NPRM: Revisions to the Standards for OB/OD of Waste Explosives Lenny Siegel (03/20/24)

Re: [CPEO-MEF] Military Digest, Vol 235, Issue 13 info (03/21/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, RADIATION: Niagara Falls Storage Site in Lewiston, NY, and the former Guterl Steel site in Lockport, NY Lenny Siegel (03/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "Concord [CA] approves concepts for billion-dollar, 40-year development at Naval Weapons Station site" Lenny Siegel (03/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL, FORMER SITES: Cape Hatteras, NC Lenny Siegel (03/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, CONTRACTORS: Former Tarheel Army Missile Plant/Western Electric (NC) Lenny Siegel (03/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Unexploded bombs from the second world war are getting more dangerous" Lenny Siegel (03/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Webinar Series - Novel Technologies for PFAS Treatment Lenny Siegel (03/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VETERANS: "Cancer rate among Air Force missileers prompts questions, concerns" Lenny Siegel (03/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, VOCs: "Former Schilling Air Force Base [KS] clean up" Lenny Siegel (03/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE, MUNITIONS: Fort Ord National Monument (CA) "warns of illegal trails near 'unexploded' grenades" Lenny Siegel (03/29/24)

[CPEO-MEF] LANDFILLS: "Marines ordered to close Camp Pendleton [CA] landfill after toxic runoff and failing infrastructure" Lenny Siegel (03/29/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Navy report on PFAS at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii comes up short" Lenny Siegel (04/02/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs, COMMUNITIES: Bedford, MA Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant (Raytheon) Lenny Siegel (04/04/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "PFAS-tainted foam in Lake Huron prompts citizen outcry" Lenny Siegel (04/04/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VETERANS, GLOBAL: "Deployed troops inhaled toxic air even while off-duty, study finds"milit Lenny Siegel (04/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUERL, FORMER SITES: "US Army visits Haines [AK] with updates on Tank Farm contamination site" Lenny Siegel (04/06/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "California adopts health-protective goals for forever chemicals in drinking water" Lenny Siegel (04/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Interim EPA Guidance on Destroying and Disposing of Certain PFAS and PFAS-Containing Materials ... Lenny Siegel (04/09/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS Drinking-Water Standards Lenny Siegel (04/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "DoD to Expand Investigation, Cleanup of 'Forever Chemicals' in Response to New EPA Standards" Lenny Siegel (04/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL, FORMER SITES, NATIVE PEOPLE: "Frustration stews over Army’s communication for Haines Fuel Terminal [AK] clean up" Lenny Siegel (04/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Lead at Marine Puuloa Range Training Facility (HI) Lenny Siegel (04/14/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FAA PFAS mil-spec question Grace Poudrier (04/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Webinar Series - Advanced Sonar-Based Deep Learning for Underwater UXO Remediation Lenny Siegel (04/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: GAO report on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Lenny Siegel (04/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, Global: United States Army Garrison Ansbach, Germany Lenny Siegel (04/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "U.S.-Japan pact hampers PFAS survey at U.S. facility in Hiroshima" Lenny Siegel (04/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "PFAS found beneath Tarheel Army Missile Plant [NC], military failed to tell DEQ" Lenny Siegel (04/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FORMER SITES: Yigo bomb disposal site, Guam Lenny Siegel (04/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFOS and PFOA declared Superfund (CERCLA) Hazardous Substances Lenny Siegel (04/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Fwd: Webinar Series - Advances in PFAS Destructive Technologies Lenny Siegel (04/24/24)

[CPEO-MEF] SAMPLING: Vandenberg Space Force Base, CA Lenny Siegel (04/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Private well testing near Fairchild Air Force Base, WA Lenny Siegel (04/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HERBICIDES, VETERANS: "Vets exposed to Agent Orange at [Ft. Ord, CA] denied VA compensation" Lenny Siegel (04/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Action Alert! Tell EPA to BAN Open Burning of PFAS, Toxic Munitions info (04/30/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Longtime first-time. Working on a project about Westover air force, Chicopee MA Jon Gerhardson (05/03/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: New York State DEC update for Grumman's Bethpage site Lenny Siegel (05/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "Aurora mayor calls for the Colorado Community College System's Lowry Campus to be sold" Lenny Siegel (05/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, FUEL: "Understanding the issues at Buxton Beach [NC] – An FAQ Guide, Revisited" Lenny Siegel (05/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "State is testing surface water in East Selah for PFAS as Army installs more home filter systems, " Yakima Training Center, WA Lenny Siegel (05/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Army begins investigating source of PFAS in northwest Harvard wells, " former Ft. Devens, MA Lenny Siegel (05/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, CONTRACTOR: "Navy must be held accountable for contamination..." at Calverton, NY Grumman plant Lenny Siegel (05/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, REUSE: Separate process for cleaning PFAS from hangar at Alameda Point, CA Lenny Siegel (05/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "A new study at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove [PA] looks at the potential link between "forever chemicals, " or PFAS, and disease" Lenny Siegel (05/21/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, FUEL: "Corps releases Final Summary Report of Findings at the former Buxton Naval Facility, " NC Lenny Siegel (05/21/24)

[CPEO-MEF] UPDATE: Comment Period Extended for Opposing Stateside Burn Pits, EPA Posts New U.S. Map info (05/21/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, REUSE: Bellows Air Force Station (HI) "Training area scattered with old munitions envisioned as housing area after clean-up" Lenny Siegel (05/29/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, LEAD: SaMpling near Puuloa Range Training Facility in Ewa Beach, HI Lenny Siegel (05/31/24)

[CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, MUNITIONS: "Indigenous People of Guam Are Fighting US Militarism and Environmental Ruin" Lenny Siegel (06/02/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Joint Base Cape Cod (MA) seeks comments Lenny Siegel (06/02/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, TECHNOLOGY: Maritime Test Range Complex, HI Lenny Siegel (06/02/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst , NJ Lenny Siegel (06/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Fwd: Call for Posters - Symposium 2024 Lenny Siegel (06/06/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: "Army Corps finishes cleaning contaminated soil near Florissant elementary school, " MO Lenny Siegel (06/06/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Barnstable County [MA] Officials Urge Senator Warren to Not Approve Joint Base Gun Range Funding Extension" Lenny Siegel (06/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Air Force press release on cleanup plan Lenny Siegel (06/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] public comment on five-year reviews? info (06/11/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HISTORY: "Large ceremony celebrates discovery of Camp Hale [CO] site where CIA trained Tibetan freedom fighters" Lenny Siegel (06/11/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: EPA orders PFAS cleanup plan for Tucson Airport site Lenny Siegel (06/12/24)

[CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FORMER SITES: "Suspected World War I-era chemical munitions found on American University campus, " Spring Valley, DC Lenny Siegel (06/14/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "City takes over 400 acres at Barbers Point , " HI Lenny Siegel (06/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "US military denies report about possible contaminated water at air base in Tokyo , " Japan Lenny Siegel (06/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Community demands solutions as Fairchild [AFB, WA] reckons with new PFAS contamination rule" Lenny Siegel (06/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: "Army Corps finds soil contaminated under some St. Louis-area [MO] homes, but no health risk" Lenny Siegel (06/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "New owners of vacant Stratford Army Engine Plant [CT] aim to start demolition this fall" Lenny Siegel (06/21/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs, DEVELOPMENT: "Army considering installing contamination prevention tech in development next to Area B, " Ft. Detrick, MD Lenny Siegel (06/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Hawaii, the EPA, the Navy, and 6:2 FTS" Lenny Siegel (06/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTOR: Western Electric/Tarheel Army Missile Plant (NC) Lenny Siegel (06/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Remote-controlled robot to play starring role in effort to find military munitions dumped at sea, " HI Lenny Siegel (06/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, CLOSURE: "U.S. Navy sued by environmental group over cleanup of radioactive materials at [Hunters Point] S.F. shipyard" Lenny Siegel (06/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "Meet the ‘visionary’ who helped make S.F.’s Presidio what it is — and now is leaving" Lenny Siegel (07/04/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Fwd: Webinar Series - Advances in Sustainable Energetics Lenny Siegel (07/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "At Army’s request, EPA deletes website reference to request for PFAS tests of creeks in former Seneca Army Depot," NY Lenny Siegel (07/12/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "US, Japanese governments withheld details of contaminant leak at [Yokuta] air base, report claims" Lenny Siegel (07/12/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE, FUEL: "Richmond’s Point Molate [CA] on track to becoming parkland thanks to $40 million deal" Lenny Siegel (07/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: Fish from stream draining from German Air Base are "dangerously contaminated" Lenny Siegel (07/14/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Pentagon to request continued use of AFFF Lenny Siegel (07/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Webinar Series - Innovative Technologies for Detecting Underwater Buried Targets Lenny Siegel (07/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, REUSE: Workers' claims at former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Lenny Siegel (07/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs, HEALTH: "Tainted water at Camp Lejeune [NC] tied to faster Parkinson’s progression" Lenny Siegel (07/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, VOCs: "Old nuclear missile silo plagues Placer County [CA] minds" Lenny Siegel (07/18/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE, COMMUNITIES: RAB formed at former Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant (KS) Lenny Siegel (07/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, GLOBAL: "How Jon Mitchell uncovered the Okinawa [Japan] military exposures" Lenny Siegel (07/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Air Force challenges EPA over PFAS cleanup plan order in Tucson, " AZ Lenny Siegel (07/21/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "Army still targeting 2028 to finish cleanup at JoCo’s old Sunflower ammo plant site," KS Lenny Siegel (07/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Sampling near Army installations Lenny Siegel (07/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "U.S. Army detects contaminated water wells at Fort Liberty" Lenny Siegel (07/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Contamination found at Whidbey Island (WA) cooperative Lenny Siegel (07/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Webinar Series - Improving Measurement Accuracy for PFAS Passive Samplers Lenny Siegel (07/31/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUNDING: Summary of environmental programs in Senate Defense Appropriations bill Lenny Siegel (08/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, REUSE: "S.F. shipyard redevelopment delayed further after Navy agrees to expand toxic cleanup" Lenny Siegel (08/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "Okinawa adds checkpoints near Marine base to pinpoint source of PFAS found in wells" Lenny Siegel (08/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Navy Expands Use of PFAS Removal Technology Following ESTCP Demonstration" at Oceana Naval Air Station (VA) Lenny Siegel (08/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, HEALTH: West Lake Landfill, Bridgeton, MO - "How a US health agency became a shield for polluters" Lenny Siegel (08/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Firefighting Foam: DOD is Working to Address Challenges to Transitioning to PFAS-Free Alternatives" Lenny Siegel (08/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: "Why Rocket Fuel Has Been Contaminating Our Food and Water for Years" Lenny Siegel (08/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Former skeet range public meeting, Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station (CA) Lenny Siegel (08/09/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Nine private wells near Letterkenny Army Depot (PA) Lenny Siegel (08/11/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "EPA says Tucson’s [AZ] drinking water is contaminated but air force claims agency lacks authority to order cleanup " Lenny Siegel (08/12/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: "Watchdogs want US to address extreme plutonium contamination in Los Alamos' Acid Canyon, " NM Lenny Siegel (08/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Sampling at former Loring Air Force Base, ME Lenny Siegel (08/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs: "High TCE concentrations still found" at Ft. Detrick (MD) Area B Lenny Siegel (08/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL: "Military families feel betrayed over Navy response to jet fuel-tainted water at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii base" Lenny Siegel (08/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, REUSE: Foam spill at former Brunswick Naval Air Station, ME Lenny Siegel (08/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: "Wayne County [MI] picked for Manhattan Project low-level radioactive waste" Lenny Siegel (08/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: ESTCP Supplemental Solicitation for FY 2024 Funding: AFFF Destruction Lenny Siegel (08/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Officials say not to eat fish from near the former naval air base in Brunswick, ME Lenny Siegel (08/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: 'EPA orders Andersen [AFB, Guam] to address 'deficiencies' in open burn, detonation application" Lenny Siegel (08/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: "Plutonium levels near US atomic site in Los Alamos [NM] similar to Chornobyl" Lenny Siegel (08/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] CLIMATE: Threat Multiplier, by Sherri Goodman, is Now Available! Lenny Siegel (08/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Oscoda residents condemn revised timeline for Wurtsmith [AFB, MI] cleanup systems" Lenny Siegel (08/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: The reinvention of Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA Lenny Siegel (08/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] CLIMATE, MUNITIONS, PFAS: Correction: ESTCP Solicitations - Climate Adaptation, Munitions Response, and AFFF Destruction Lenny Siegel (08/29/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Contaminated drinking water at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas. Lenny Siegel (08/29/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "U.S. Air Force investigating PFAS contaminated retention pond at Cannon AFB, " NM Lenny Siegel (08/30/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, TECHNOLOGY: Webinar Series - Developing and Demonstrating Technologies for the Destruction of PFAS in Concentrated Liquid Waste Streams Lenny Siegel (09/03/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, MUNITIONS, VOCs, COMMUNITIES: Wurtsmith Aif Force Base (MI) update Lenny Siegel (09/03/24)

[CPEO-MEF] COMMUNITIES, PFAS, CONTRACTORS: Former Navy-Grumman site in Calverton, NY Lenny Siegel (09/03/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Fwd: New Mexico Environment Department signs consent order with DOE for LANL legacy waste clean-up Lenny Siegel (09/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL, FORMER SITES: "Buried military site emerges on NC’s Outer Banks, prompting beach contamination alert" Lenny Siegel (09/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] OVERFLIGHTS: "Remote Southwest Communities Resist Dangerous Combat Flight Training Expansion" Lenny Siegel (09/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "DOD giving safe water only to areas with PFAS three times higher than EPA limit" Lenny Siegel (09/09/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL: "Regulatory turmoil, Air Force resistance waylay Kirtland [AFB, NM] jet fuel plume cleanup" Lenny Siegel (09/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Maine officials trying to hide scale of ex-navy base [Brunswick Naval Air Station] PFAS spill, advocates suspect" Lenny Siegel (09/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] ASTSWMO PFAS Recommendations Lenny Siegel (09/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Fwd: Symposium 2024 Agenda Lenny Siegel (09/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE, FUEL: "A 20-year struggle for environmental justice — and a public park — in one California city" - Pt. Molate, Richmond, CA Lenny Siegel (09/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, NATIONAL GUARD: Armories have lead dust Lenny Siegel (09/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, RADIATION: Guterl Specialty Steel Corporation Site, Lockport, New York Lenny Siegel (09/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, HEALTH: New Mexico to begin blood testing near Cannon Air Force Base Lenny Siegel (09/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Devens [MA] PFAS plumes moving toward Harvard; Army installs monitoring wells" Lenny Siegel (09/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL: "Eielson [AFB, AK] contractor completes contaminated soil excavation" Lenny Siegel (09/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Source Differentiation and Risk Assessments technical meeting October 29 Lenny Siegel (09/24/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs: "Hill Air Force Base testing indoor air for contaminants from groundwater vapor" Lenny Siegel (09/24/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Foam spill at former Brunswick Naval Air Station (ME) Lenny Siegel (09/24/24)

[CPEO-MEF] NOISE: "Westfield’s [MA] 'Sound Of Freedom' About To Get Louder" Lenny Siegel (09/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, VETERANS: "VA Checking for Connection Between PFAS Chemicals and Kidney Cancer in Afflicted Veterans" Lenny Siegel (09/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE, SEDIMENT: "Navy’s Hunters Point Shipyard Cleanup in San Francisco [CA] Moves Underwater" Lenny Siegel (09/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Tucson Airport Authority [AZ] agrees to investigate groundwater pollution under EPA settlement" Lenny Siegel (09/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "High lead levels in Annapolis creek are reminder that Navy can be a tough neighbor" Lenny Siegel (09/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: The town of Marana, AZ sues Davis-Monthan Air Force Base over contamination Lenny Siegel (09/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: George Air Force Base (CA) "is now a desolate wasteland" Lenny Siegel (09/28/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Dayton board wants EPA to take emergency action against Wright-Patt [AFB, OH] over forever chemicals" Lenny Siegel (09/30/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HERBICIDES, GLOBAL: "New data on Agent Orange use during the US’s secret war in Laos" Lenny Siegel (10/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] TECHNOLOGY: Symposium 2024 Speakers Lenny Siegel (10/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, BIOTA: Webinar Series - Understanding PFAS Toxicity in AFFF-Impacted Marine Environments and Relative Toxicities of PFAS-Free Foams Lenny Siegel (10/02/24)

[CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: "The environmental costs of the escalating Middle East crisis" Lenny Siegel (10/04/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Proposed Plan for the Open Detonation (OD) Grounds Munitions Response Site at the Former Seneca Army Depot Romulus, " NY Lenny Siegel (10/04/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs, VETERANS: "She sought to prove her grandfather was poisoned at Camp Lejeune. Records she found could help thousands." Lenny Siegel (10/06/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PSC/CPEO could sure use your help! Lenny Siegel (10/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, COAST GUARD: Buxton Beach, NC Investigation Lenny Siegel (10/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "Toxic chemicals may have leaked from Yokota [Japan] base in August" Lenny Siegel (10/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Guam EPA "demands US Air Force Revise Open Burn, Open Detonation Policies" Lenny Siegel (10/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "NATO military bases in Germany poison rivers and fish with PFAS" Lenny Siegel (10/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: October 17 Webinar - Developing PFAS-Free Firefighting Foams Lenny Siegel (10/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] TECHNOLOGY: Symposium 2024 Sessions - Chemicals & Materials Lenny Siegel (10/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Concerning levels of PFAS in fish miles away from large contamination source" Lenny Siegel (10/16/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL: "25 years after discovery of jet fuel plume, first phase of Kirtland [AFB, NM] cleanup is coming to an end" Lenny Siegel (10/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "US Air Force monitoring PFAS chemicals at KI Sawyer, " MI Lenny Siegel (10/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, TECHNOLOGY: Symposium 2024 Sessions - PFAS - December 3-6, 2024 Lenny Siegel (10/18/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Michigan invokes new dispute with Air Force over Wurtsmith cleanup" Lenny Siegel (10/21/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: EPA and Air Force reach agreement on Tucson [AZ] Drinking Water Lenny Siegel (10/22/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "7, 000 gallons of PFAS-contaminated water sparks investigation at Cannon Air Force Base, " NM Lenny Siegel (10/23/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "USAG Ansbach [Germany]starts PFAS remediation facility to extract toxins from groundwater" Lenny Siegel (10/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Contamination spreads from former Seneca Army Depot into Seneca Lake" Lenny Siegel (10/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Private well sampling results near Fairchild Air Force Base, WA Lenny Siegel (10/30/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Webinar Series - Unmanned Electromagnetic Systems for Advanced Geophysical Classification of UXO in Underwater Environments Lenny Siegel (10/30/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: "Lead Detected Near Marine Corps Shooting Range Revives Safety Concerns, " Ewa Beach, HI Lenny Siegel (11/01/24)

[CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: "A year after the Tustin [Marine Corps Air Station, CA] hangar fire: no cause determined and tough choices ahead" Lenny Siegel (11/04/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES: Ft. Babcock, AK Lenny Siegel (11/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, COAST GUARD:"Progress cleaning up Buxton Naval Site -- Questions emerge at Coast Guard area" Lenny Siegel (11/07/24)

[CPEO-MEF] TECHNOLOGY: FY 2026 SERDP Solicitation Lenny Siegel (11/08/24)

[CPEO-MEF] Joint Base Cape Cod Cleanup Team (JBCCCT) is Holding a Virtual Meeting 6–8 p.m., Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Jon Gerhardson (11/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Navy says it won't comply with federal drinking water standards in Calverton [NY] Grumman cleanup" Lenny Siegel (11/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "US air force backpedals claim it is not responsible for PFAS cleanup in Arizona" Lenny Siegel (11/11/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Brunswick [ME] group organizing to do widespread PFAS screening in wake of toxic foam spill" Lenny Siegel (11/11/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Webinar Series - Tools and Sensors for Characterizing PFAS Source Zones Lenny Siegel (11/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Hensley Field, Dallas, TX Lenny Siegel (11/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL: "Navy Mismanagement Led To Red Hill [HI] Water Contamination Disaster" Lenny Siegel (11/14/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Symposium 2024 Sessions - UXO Lenny Siegel (11/15/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Pt. Molate (CA) to become park Lenny Siegel (11/21/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Wurtsmith [AFB, MI] PFAS cleanup introduces new leadership Lenny Siegel (11/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Why decades-old, toxic PFAS foam is still contaminating northern Michigan waterways" Lenny Siegel (11/25/24)

[CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: "Human Radiation Experiments at Hunters Point" Naval Shipyard (CA) Lenny Siegel (11/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FORMER SITES: "Residents near former Camp Robinson [AR] may face temporary evacuations during investigation" Lenny Siegel (11/26/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, GLOBAL: "NASA Found a Secret Military Base Buried 100 Feet Deep in Greenland’s Ice Shelf" Lenny Siegel (11/27/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, NATIVE PEOPLE: "The plan to use hemp to solve Maine’s ‘forever chemicals’ problem hits a major snag" Lenny Siegel (11/30/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Recording of November 19, 2024 Defense Department listening session Lenny Siegel (12/02/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "The road ahead for addressing polyfluoroalkyl substance, or PFAS, contamination on Whidbey [Island Naval Air Station, WA] is long." Lenny Siegel (12/03/24)

[CPEO-MEF] The United States Navy Announces the Third Five-Year Review Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant Bedford, Massachusetts Jon Gerhardson (12/04/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FUEL, PFAS: GAO Report on Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, HI Lenny Siegel (12/05/24)

[CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES, FUEL: "As progress at former Buxton naval site [NC] continues, another issue looms" Lenny Siegel (12/06/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE, RADIATION: "Feds in settlement talks with former contractor accused of fraud in S.F. Shipyard cleanup" - Hunters Point, San Francisco, CA Lenny Siegel (12/09/24)

[CPEO-MEF] COMMUNITIES, FORMER SITES: "Restoration Advisory Board created to deal with Buxton Beach [NC] petroleum contamination" Lenny Siegel (12/10/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, DISPOSAL: "Pentagon seeking to incinerate 'forever chemicals' at plant on Ohio River" Lenny Siegel (12/13/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: Aroostook County and former Loring Air Force Base (ME) Lenny Siegel (12/17/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "PFAS in Foam, Fish, Oysters, Crabs, and my Blood - I believe the Navy has poisoned my blood." Lenny Siegel (12/18/24)

[CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, DISPOSAL: "Are NJ’s toxic military burn pits about to be curbed?' Lenny Siegel (12/18/24)

[CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "Whether development should be allowed in the Presidio isn’t as cut and dried as the typical all-or-nothing San Francisco [CA] debate" Lenny Siegel (12/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] VOCs: "Army intends to install contamination prevention tech in planned homes by Area B, " Ft. Derrick, MD Lenny Siegel (12/19/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS, GLOBAL: "Japanese officials inspect Yokota Air Base over PFAS concerns" Lenny Siegel (12/20/24)

[CPEO-MEF] PFAS: "Maine’s toxic firefighting foam shipped out of state to poor areas" Lenny Siegel (12/30/24)

[CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, PFAS: "Pre-enrollment opens for Red Hill [HI] water-crisis health registry" Lenny Siegel (12/31/24)

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