Last updated: Tue Dec 29 00:20:05 2009
637 messages
Catherine J. Knudsen (
CharityAdvantage (
Laura Olah (
Lenny Siegel (
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, ENCROACHMET: Futenma Marine Corps Air Station, Okinawa, Japan (12/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT: Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia (12/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Treasure Island, San Francisco "reality check" (12/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ARSENIC: Devens (MA) landfill (12/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, DISPOSAL: Santa Susana waste to Kettleman Hills (CA)? (12/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT: DC-area transportation funding (12/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Yuma Marine Corps Air Station (AZ) and the Estancia development (12/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, BIOTA: PCB's in Saglek Bay, Labrador (CAN) (12/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Mt. Umunhum (CA) cleanup funded (12/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SHIPS: "Saipan company looking to dismantle mothballed U.S. ships" (CNMI) (12/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE, RADIATION: Hanford's (WA) Plutonium Finishing Plant (12/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PRESERVATION: Hanford's (WA) B Reactor (12/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, DISPOSAL: Depleted Uranium to Utah (12/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: "DOE Must Analyze the Impacts of DOE's Decision to Leave Defense High-Level Waste in Communities" (12/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: El Centro Naval Air Facility (CA) (12/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, RADIATION: Hanford (WA) workers (12/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: GAO report on Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (CO) (12/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: San Francisco to buy Treasure Island Navy Base (12/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, VOCs: Unhealthy drinking water (12/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Camp Bonneville (WA) hunters find inert rocket (12/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Contractor quits Camp Bonneville (WA) (12/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, HEALTH: Agent Orange more dangerous than "had to be" (12/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PREVENTION, ENERGY: Kirtland Air Force Base (NM) Fuel System (12/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Santa Clarita (CA) water treatment (12/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT, BIOTA: Winkler Botanical Reserve, Alexandria (VA) (12/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Luke Air Force Base compromise sought (12/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: Senate letter on Camp Lejeune (NC) studies (12/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Basra (Iraq) oil spill cleanup (12/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Hill Air Force Base (UT) plumes (12/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA, GLOBAL: Saglek Bay, Canadian Arctic (12/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, DISPOSAL: Brentwood, CA VA Dump (12/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] WORKERS, RADIATION: Nevada Test Site claims (12/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FUDS: Spring Valley (DC) disposal (12/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] [Fwd: ITRC 2-day Vapor Intrusion Classroom Training] (12/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TRIBES, REUSE: "Narragansetts still want Navy land" in Rhode Island (12/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Agent Orange's Legacy in Vietnam (12/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TRIBES, REUSE: Narragansett gives up on Navy Rhode Island property (12/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM) groundwater (12/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Stimulating Hanford (CA) cleanup (12/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Ellsworth Air Force Base (SD) 'incompatible' uses (12/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY, ENCROACHMENT: Wind farms and pilot training (12/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY, ENCROACHMENT: Wind farms and pilot training (12/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: New Camp Lejeune (NC) study planned (12/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, CONTRACTORS: Blackwater (Xe) shooting ranges, rural North Carolina (12/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Niagara Falls Storage Site (NY) (12/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA, GLOBAL: Letter cals for protection of Okinawa's (Japan) Dugong (12/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Hill Air Force Base's (UT) Roy Gate (12/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Ventura Navy Base (CA) training areas (12/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, HEALTH: Rialto (CA) health study (12/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] DISPOSAL: Harford County (MD) incinerator at Aberdeen Proving Ground (11/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: ATSDR in Vieques (PR) and beyond (11/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Lennar at Hunters Point and Mare Island (CA) (11/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Casino at Pt. Molate (CA)? (11/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Yorktown Naval Weapons Station & Cheatham Annex (VA) (11/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BERYLLLIUM, FUSRAP: Brush Beryllium, Luckey, MN (11/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Wisconsin DNT standard (11/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION, MUNITIONS: Navy to pay fine at Jackson Park Housing Complex (WA) (11/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, GLOBAL: Veterans and Agent Orange (11/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Victoria (TX) Regional Airport (11/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Brunswick Naval Air Station (ME) (11/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ft. Monmouth (NJ) Finding of No Significant Impact (11/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: Defense Department's "green" plans (11/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Newport Chemical Depot (IN) discussion (11/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RANGES, CULTURAL RESOURCES: Court rules against Army in Makua (HI) case (11/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Chanute Air Force Base (IL) soil (11/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "Ingleside [TX] LRA's federal grant request returned" (11/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CONTRACTORS, REGULATION: "Boeing blocks lab cleanup" - Santa Susana Lab (CA) (11/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Odenton and Ft. Meade (MD) (11/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Development near Yuma Marine Corps Air Station (AZ) (11/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, VOCs: Livermore Lab (CA) cleanup (11/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Umatilla Chemical Depot Land Reuse Authority (11/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, VOCs: Former Kansas missile sites (11/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Seaway Landfill, Tonawanda, NY (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FUDS: Hollister (CA) Bomb Target #5 (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Willow Grove Naval Air Station (PA) (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: South Weymouth Naval Air Station (MA) project "stuck" (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PRESERVATION, RACE: Port Chicago (CA) National Memorial (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Nevada Test Site's polluted groundwater (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CONTRACTORS, REGULATION: Boeing sues over Santa Susana Field Lab (CA) legislation (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, MUNITIONS: ATSDR to undertake new Vieques (PR) study (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PRESERVATION: Who will "re-skin" Moffett Field's (CA) Hangar One? (11/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Point Molate (CA) Casino (11/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (MN) (11/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEAN-UP: Navy may be a responsible party at Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn, NY (11/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: San Francisco's Treasure Island (11/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Local officials want more say at Ft. Monmouth (NJ) (11/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Former Des Moines Ordnance Plant (IA) (11/13/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] A Stakeholder's Guide to Vapor Intrusion (11/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] A Stakeholder's Guide to Vapor Intrusion (11/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Maguire Air Force Base - Fort Dix - Lakehurst (NJ) (11/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SHIPS: Indian Government Blocks Toxic U.S. Ship (11/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] COMMUNITIES, FUDS: Lake Ontario Ordnance Works (NY) RAB criticizes Corps (11/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, RADIATION: Lake Ontario Ordnance Works (NY) workers (11/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, CHEMWEAPONS: Newport Chemical Depot (IN) (11/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, MUNITIONS: Ravenna Arsenal (OH) and the National Guard (11/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATON, REUSE: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (OH) (11/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RANGES: GAO on range sustainability reporting (11/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: GAO report on reviewing completed remedies (11/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Chamberlain Manufacturing, Waterloo, Iowa (11/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Letterkenny Army Depot (PA) land transfer (11/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PUBLIC, CLOSURE: Hunters Point Shipyard (CA) RAB dissolution (11/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, PUBLIC: Whittaker-Bermite site (CA) Community Advisory Group (11/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: Calverton (NY) Navy Plant (11/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EPA proposes more protective toxicity value for TCE (11/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Pamlico Sound (NC) bombing target (11/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: MMR (MA) wind turbine for cleanup (11/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Rialto (CA) under Superfund (11/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, MUNITIONS: Umatilla Chemical Depot (OR) planning (11/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Los Alamos National Labs (NM) (10/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, CHEMWEAPONS: Newport Chemical Depot reuse plan (10/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FUDS: Investigating former Southwestern Proving Grounds (AR) (10/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] [Fwd: SERDP FY 2011 Solicitation and Upcoming Symposium & Workshop] (10/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: Camp Lejeune (NC) vet gets partial disability (10/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Culver Road Armory, Rochester, New York (10/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: "Health Care for Veterans Exposed to Chemical Hazards Act" (10/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: West Valley Site (New York) agreement (10/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FUDS: Southwestern Proving Ground (AR) (10/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Kelly Air Force Base (TX) transfer (10/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Camp Bullis (TX) habitat protection (10/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, CONTRACTORS: Former Naval ordnance plant, Macon, GA (10/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Los Alamos landfill (10/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Sandia Labs (NM) landfill (10/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] [Fwd: RE: SHIPS: Benicia (CA) "ghost fleet" to be scrappd in Texas] (10/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SHIPS: Benicia (CA) "ghost fleet" to be scrappd in Texas (10/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Malmstrom Air Force Base (MT) Joint Land Use Study (10/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: El Mirage and Luke Air Force Base (AZ) (10/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CONTRACTORS, REUSE: Wyle Labs "may never be safe for homes" (10/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS; Camp Williams (UT) (10/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: La Posta Mountain Warfare Training Facility (CA) (10/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Air Force Plant 51, Greece, NY (10/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PCBs: Fort Worth (TX) water treatment and the Air Force (10/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: South Korea-U.S. cleanup negotiations (10/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Nevada Test Site (10/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Fernald "Preserve" (OH) (10/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SHIPS: San Diego Bay pollution (10/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT: Middletown (CT) Reserve Center contract (10/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Ft. Rucker (AL) Joint Land Use Study (10/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, PREVENTION: Camp Edwards (MA) pyrotechnic grenades (10/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Tonawanda Landfill (NY) (10/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: St. Petersburg Times reviews Camp Lejeune (NC) documents (10/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: FAA reverses wind turbine decision at MMR (MA) (10/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Hanford (WA) "rabbit droppings" (10/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FUDS: Camp Wallace, Kingsmill, Virginia (10/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CONTRACTORS, REGULATION: Santa Susana Field Lab (CA) negotiation (10/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "Governor Opposes Point Molate [CA] Casino Project" (10/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Middlesex (NJ) Atomic Energy site (10/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Ft. Worth and the Texas ballot measure (10/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, REUSE: Future of the Anniston [AL] Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (10/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, CHEMWEAPONS: Vieques (PR) veteran (10/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, GLOBAL: University of New Brunswick (Canada) UXO Technician training (10/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, VOCs: Old missile sites (10/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: Mass. National Guard windpower approved at MMR (10/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: MMR (MA) milestone (10/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PREVENTION, PERCHLORATE: Aluminum-ice ( ALICE) propellant (10/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Wagoner National Guard Armory (OK) (10/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Los Angeles County and Morris Dam torpedo site (10/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: 40 Camp Lejeune(NC)-linked male breast cancer cases (10/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: South Weymouth (MA) technical assistance (10/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Ford Ord (CA) prescribed burn (10/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FUDS: Dalecarlia Woods, Spring Valley, DC (10/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, HEALTH: Legislation for Camp Lejeune (NC) veterans and family (10/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PRESERVATION, REUSE: White House to decide fate of Moffett Field's (CA) Hangar One (10/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PECHLORATE: Navy cleanup at Morris Dam, Angeles National Forest, CA (10/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, CHEMWEAPONS: Umatilla Chemical Depot (OR) tour (10/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: El Toro (CA) consulting contract (10/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: U.S. awards contract for Danang, Vietnam Agent Orange cleanup (10/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Watertown Arsenal (MA) site (10/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, DISPOSAL: Kirtland Air Force Base (NM) settlement (09/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Troops exposed to Hexavalent Chromium in Iraq (09/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, GLOBAL: Old Australian ranges (09/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FUDS: American University and Spring Valley (DC) (09/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Judge rejects Pinon Canyon (CO) plan (09/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Fort Ord (CA) (09/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, HEALTH: "Poisoned Patriots" part 2 (09/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, HEALTH: Camp Lejeune's "Poisoned Patriots" (09/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FUDS: Former Waikoloa Maneuver Area (HI) (09/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, VOCs, CONTRACTORS: Rialto (CA) site on Superfund list (09/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Agent Orange cleanup at Danang, Vietnam (09/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: MMR (MA) wind turbine stuck in port (09/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Corpus Christi (TX) port to receive equipment (09/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Obama opposes non-cost transfers (09/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, MUNITIONS: EPA Releases Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List (09/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Rialto wants study (09/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, EXPANSION: Pamlico Sound (NC) bombing rante (09/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Concord Naval Weapons Station (CA) homeless (09/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Chemical Waste Management at Lake Ontario site (NY) (09/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: McGuire Air Force Base (NJ) Federal Facilities Agreement (09/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, PERCHLORATE: EPA backs Camp Edwards (MA) monitoring plan (09/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CONTRACTORS, NATURAL RESOURCES: Textron funds Cape Cod land purchases (09/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Lake Ontario Ordnance Works (NY) - "No public health risk" (09/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, SHIPS: Mare Island (CA) drydocks (09/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT, BIOTA: Camp Bullis (TX) buffer (09/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Ft. Slocum PCBs, Davids Island, New York (09/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Ft. Irwin (CA) tortoise relocation (09/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, REUSE: Vieques - Fish, Wildlife, and Bombs (09/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, MUNITIONS: Vieques (PR) lawsuit (09/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE, ROCKETS: NASA excesses 452 acres at Santa Susana Lab (CA) (09/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Camp Pendleton (CA) safety whistle-blower (09/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MERCURY, RADIATION: Hanford (WA) storage proposal (09/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Badger Plant (WI) DNT in private wells (09/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Agent Orange in Vietnam - new report (09/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, CHEMWEAPONS: Umatilla Chemical Depot (OR) (09/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Luke Air Force Base (AZ) legal case (09/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FUDS: Spring Valley (DC) trenching (09/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Rialto (CA) closure plan (09/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: D.C. may get Walter Reed land (09/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Robins Air Force Base (GA) buffer (09/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, RADIATION: Lowry Air Force Base (CO) landfill (09/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Diego Garcia (Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean) (09/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: West Valley, New York (09/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HISTORY, RADIATION: Hanford (WA) tours (09/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Ft. Sheridan (IL) ordnance in Lake Michigan (09/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Kirtland Air Force Base (NM) bombing range (09/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Olin groundwater plume, San Martin (CA) (09/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, BERYLLIUM, CONTRACTORS: Honeywell-Bendix-Allied Signal (09/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TRANSPORTATION, ROCKETS: ICBM Truck Accident (ND) (09/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Bazooka Shells found at former Sedalia Army Rifle Range (MO) (08/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS: Spring Valley (DC) mustard find (08/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Stratford Army Engine Plant (CT) (08/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TECHNOLOGY: Phytoremediation at Brookhaven Lab (NY) (08/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Myrtle Beach (SC) aviation park (08/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Watertown Arsenal (MA) PCBs in soil (08/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CONTRACTORS; Northrop Grumman settles San Gabriel Valley (CA) suit (08/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Depleted Uranium in Hawai'i (08/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ingleside (TX) redevelopment projects (08/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Japan Status of Forces Agreement (08/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Navy ships to be dumped in Bangladesh (08/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, PREVENTION: NASA tests "Green" rocket propellant (08/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Pinecastle Jeep Range, Orlando, Florida (08/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, REUSE: Lychen II complex, former East Germany (08/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, REUSE: School vapor intrusion at White Alice site, Aniak (AK) (08/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: County road at Cannon Air Force Base (NM) (08/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Former Alameda Naval Air Station (CA) (08/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (MN) (08/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, CLOSURE: Ravenna Arsenal, Ohio (08/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Desert tortoise relocation (Ft. Irwin, CA) comment period extended (08/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: Santa Susana (CA) cleanup deal (08/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: California drafts Chromium Public Health Goal (0.06 parts per billion) (08/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, CHEMWEAPONS: Spring Valley, DC - Norton says Corps will keep digging (08/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant (CA) (08/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Federal Register notice today (08/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Central South Carolina (08/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TECHNOLOGY: Partners in Environmental Technology, December 1-3, 2009, DC (08/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, VOCs: Former Schilling Air Force Base (KS) (08/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Tinker AFB (OK) takes over former GM plant (08/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Letter from New EPA OSWER Assistant Administrator (08/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: McGuire Air Force Base (NJ) buffer (08/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Umatilla Chemical Depot (OR) buildings (08/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FUDS: Spring Valley commentary (08/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Ft. Meade (MD) sampling results (08/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Diego Garcia (in the middle of the Indian Ocean) (08/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, MUNITIONS: Vieques health review (08/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Ft. Dix (NJ) buffer (08/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Desert tortoise research "unfinished" (08/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, NATIVE PEOPLES: Activists sue over Makua range (HI) (08/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Tyndall Air Force Base (FL) Elementary School (08/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FUDS: Mustard agent residue found at Spring Valley (DC) (08/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, CONTRACTORS: Pratt & Whitney neighbors, Palm Beach County (FL) (08/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, REGULATION: New Hanford (WA) agreement (08/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Ft. Bragg (NC) neighbors (08/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ingleside (TX) reuse authority membership (08/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, HEALTH: Santa Susana Field Lab (CA) workers (08/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] fORMER DEFENSE SITES: Chlordane from Navy, Tiyan (GU) (08/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Navy to address Calverton (NY) plume (08/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Ft. Monmouth (NJ) cleanup (08/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Salt Creek Recreation Area/Camp Hayden (WA) (08/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Vieques (PR) cleanup debate (08/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, RADIATION: El Toro Marine Corps Air Station (CA) radium (08/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Former NASA site, Downey (CA) (08/07/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] (Correct URL for) PERCHLORATE: The debate over regulation (08/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: The debate over regulation (08/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Ft. Irwin (CA) seeks to move desert tortoises (08/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Guardsmen exposed to sodium dichromate in Iraq (08/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Navy explain position on Calverton (NY) (08/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: EPA seeks comments, focuses on children (08/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Massachusetts calls for protective standard (08/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, REUSE: Former NASA plant, Downey, CA (08/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Hill Air Force Base (UT) cleanup update (07/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, GLOBAL: Ordnance contamination in Vietnam (07/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, HEALTH: Vieques (PR) White Paper (07/31/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] FUNDING: Earmarks questioned (07/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUNDING: Earmarks questioned (07/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TRIBES: Red Cliff Band update on Lake Superior barrel recovery (07/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, RADIATION: Lake Ontario Ordnance Works (NY) air monitoring (07/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Speier bill would require regulation (07/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: Senator Burr propose presumptive health care for Camp Lejeune (NC)victims (07/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, VOCs: Denver (CO) Federal Center (07/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, VOCs: Wyoming Atlas Missile site plume (07/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Economic Development Conveyance and Treasure Island (CA) (07/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT: Ft. Belvoir (VA) traffic (07/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOWEAPONS: GAO critiques proposed Kansas lab (07/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: "Uranium Contamination Haunts Navajo Country" (07/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PCBs: EPA questions Army waste handling (07/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATiON: Nevada Test Site tritium (07/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Cape Christian, Nunavut, Canada (07/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, CONTRACTORS: 50 Years after Santa Susana (CA) Nuclear Accident (07/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SHARED USE: GM at Yuma Proving Ground (AZ) (07/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Calverton Navy Plant (NY) groundwater testing (07/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PRIVATIZATION: McClellan Air Force Base (CA) plan signed (07/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (07/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: Ohio Air National Guard solar field, Toledo (07/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Plattsburgh Airbase (NY) "early transfer" (07/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, COMMUNITY: Niagara Fall Storage Sity (NY) (07/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Development near Camp Bullis (TX) (07/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, NATIVE PEOPLE: Army to restart Makua (HI) training (07/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PRESERVATION: Alameda Point (CA) (07/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: "Tallevast [FL] cleanup may take 50 years" (07/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FUDS: Odyssey Middle School lawsuit (07/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TRIBES, REUSE; Aquidneck Island (RI) transfer (07/14/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] Munitions, FUDS: Western Stove site, San Bernardino (CA) (07/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, HEALTH: Critique to NRC Committee Camp Lejeune report - water modeling (07/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS: Phosgene round found at Schofield Barracks (HI) (07/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Paducah (Lentucky) legal case (07/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, HEALTH: Rocketdyne (CA) meltdown 50 years later (07/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Goose Bay, Canada (07/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ingleside Naval Station (TX) - two Local Reuse Authorities (07/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Ft. Polk (LA) snake (07/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: Delegation insists Navy clean Calverton (NY) plume (07/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Remote Training Site Warner Springs (RTSWS), eastern San Diego County, CA (07/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: Northrop Grumman Navy Weapons Plant, Calverton, NY (07/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, RADIATION: Lake City Ammo Plant (MO) cleanup (07/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: NASA Ames Research Park at Moffett Field (CA) (07/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Camp Bullis (TX) buffer (07/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, REGULATION: Ft. Detrick (MD) Area B (07/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: Camp Lejeune (NC) lawsuit (07/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, HEALTH: U.S. Naval Air Facility (NAF) Atsugi, Japan (07/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: Camp Lejeune (NC) and male breast cancer (07/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "Transforming El Toro (CA) into Great Park a slow process" (07/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Presidio of San Francisco (CA) art museum dropped (07/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, COMMUNITY: Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (San Francisco, CA) protest (07/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SEDIMENT: Port Hueneme (CA) dredging (07/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: Northrop Grumman plume in Calverton (N_Y) (07/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CONTRACTORS: Sacramento County (CA) sues Aerojet and Boeing (07/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Munitions, FUDS: Western Stove site, San Bernardino (CA) (07/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE, VOCs: Kelly Air Force Base (TX) (06/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Oil & Gas drilling on Florida's Gulf Coast (06/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, GLOBAL: Navy families in Naples, Italy (06/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PREVENTION: Defense policy to minimize the use of Hexavalent Chromium (06/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SCHOOLS: Tyndall (AFB) elementary school (FL) (06/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Corrected Greenwire story (06/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Ft. Huachuca (AZ) easement (06/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA, COMMUNITY: Comment, re U.S. Natick [MA] Soldier Systems Center's Proposed Plan for Toxic Sediment Removal from Lake Cochituate (06/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PRESERVATION: Column - "Call in the bosses to save Hangar One" at Moffett Field (CA) (06/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ingleside (TX) Redevelopment Authority (06/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: "No cost" bill and South Weymouth (MA) (06/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Marines search Bear Island (NC) (06/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: "DOD, Defense Contractors Lobby to Block Perchlorate Advisory" (06/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: Ft. Meade (MD) Federal Facilities Agreement (06/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] "Santa Susana Field Lab (CA) cleanup saga hits 20" (06/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] COMMUNITIES: Hunters Point RAB (San Francisco, CA) disbanded (06/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, BIOTA: Rocky Mountain Arsenal (CO) visitors' center (06/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, RADIATION: Nuclear power at Portsmouth (OH)? (06/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Outlying Land Field prohibition, North Carolina (06/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Camp Bullis (TX) Joint Land Use Study (06/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: Camp Lejeune (NC) statement (06/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Army crematorium, Swannanoa, NC (06/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Camp Bullis (TX) (06/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Phytoremediation of TNT (06/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: Senator reacts to Camp Lejeune (NC) report (06/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: South Weymouth Naval Air Station (MA) sale price (06/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Nevada Test Site monitoring wells (06/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, NATIVE PEOPLES: Hopedale, Labrador radar station - "black ooze" (06/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FUDS: Spring Valley (DC) exit strategy (06/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Navajo Nation uranium cleanup (06/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Twin Cities Ammo Plant (MN) park proposal (06/15/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: NRC releases Camp Lejeune report (06/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: South Weymouth Naval Air Station (MA) squabbling (06/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Oceana Naval Air Station (VA) buffer funding (06/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PRESERVATION: Navy to "skin" Moffett Field's (CA) Hangar One (06/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: Wind turbines proposed for Massachusetts Military Reservation (06/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: NRC releases Camp Lejeune report (06/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Natick Labs (MA) plan for Lake Cochituate (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Navy Vets seek Agent Orance compensation (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOWEAPONS: Biosafety report (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Supreme Court dismisses Camp Lejeune (NJ) case (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Ft. A.P. Hill (VA) buffers (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, GLOBAL: Oregon soldiers sue KBR over hex chromium exposure (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Shaw Air Force Base (SC) (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Whiting Field (FL) buffer (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Twin Cities (MN) deal falls th (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] December 1-3 Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop (06/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, RADIATION: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (OH) workers (06/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: Algae jet fuel (06/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Oak Ridge (TN) ponds (06/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Makua Valley (HI) environmental impact statement (06/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Invasive weeds at North Pond, Natick Labs (MA) (06/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, HEALTH: U.S.-Vietnam Agent Orange Cooperation (06/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: FBI firing range, North Chicago, IL (06/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, MUNITIONS: Joliet Arsenal (IL) (06/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP, HOUSING: Taku Gardens, Ft. Wainwright (AK) (06/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RESOURCES: Marines close Bellows Beach (HI) (06/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ft. Ord Reuse Authority (CA) land transfer (06/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TRIBES, REUSE: Aroostook Micmacs at Loring Air Force Base (ME) (06/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, ASBESTOS: Chanute Air Force Base (IL) steam pipelines (06/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Main Post plan, Presidio of San Francisco (06/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: No money at South Weymouth (MA) (06/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Ft. Bliss (TX) housing (05/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, GLOBAL: Shchuchye, Siberia demilitarization (05/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, CONTRACTORS: Nuclear Fuel Services, Erwin, TN (05/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA: Turkey-culling at Air Station Cape Cod (MA) (05/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Vicksburg Square at former Ft. Devens (MA) (05/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS. HEALTH: Vieques (PR) opposes proposed burn (05/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: South Weymouth Naval Air Station (MA) delays (05/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Former Canadian radar base, Sydney, Nova Scotia (05/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PCBs, CONTRACTORS: Goodyear Airdock, Akron (OH) (05/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Oceana Naval Air Station (VA) buffer purchases (05/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Willow Grove Naval Air Station (PA) (05/27/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: New CNA report on Energy Security (05/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: EPA approves Navy plan for Moffett Field's (CA) Hangar One (05/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SEDIMENT: Natick Labs (MA) to dredge Lake Cochituate cove (05/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Opposition to Northwest Training Range Complex (05/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: New CNA report on Energy Security (05/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Nuclear weapons plant contractors (05/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, CLOSURE: Ft. Monroe (VA) cleanup (05/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Ft. Meade (MD) (05/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Army drops Pinon Canyon proposal (at least for now) (05/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOWEAPONS: Lab security report (05/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: NC Senators write Navy (05/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Colorado legislation on Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (05/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Farr proposes reinstating Economic Development Conveyance (05/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL. HEALTH: Navy Naples (Italy) health study (05/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Schroeder Hall, Long Beach (CA) mental (05/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CHEMWEAPONS, FUDS: Spring Valley (DC) panel (05/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Luke Air Force Base (AZ) and El Mirage (05/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, MUNITIONS: Utah Test Range permeable reactive barrier (05/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] NOISE: Eglin Air Force Base (FL) (05/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, NATIVE PEOPLES: Bellow Air Force Base (HI) beach (05/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] WATER: Ft. Detrick (MD) yellow water (04/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Robots clear UXO at Ft. Bliss (TX) (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, CONTRACTORS: Kilgore Manufacturing, McKean Township , OH (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: ATSDR rescinds Camp Lejeune (NC) findings (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Alameda Point (CA) ballot measure (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Elmendorf Air Force Base (AK) (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, HEALTH: Kelly Air Force Base (TX) and the "Toxic Triangle" (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Robins Air Force Base (GA) (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FORMER SITES: NUMEC, Parks Township (IN) (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: South Weymouth (MA) Financing (04/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] [Fwd: 2009 Sustaining Military Readiness Conference] (04/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, WILDLIFE: Construction Support at the Jefferson Proving Ground (IN) (04/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CPEO's "People Tree" (04/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOWEAPONS: Ft. Detrick (MD) missing bio samples (04/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Denver (CO) Ordnance Plant (04/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT: Telework (04/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, WILDLIFE: Alameda Point (CA) letter from Sierra Club (04/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, FUDS: Cheyenne (WY) TCE (04/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT: Middletown (CT) Reserve Center (04/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Registration is open for Brownfields 2009[Please excuse the duplicate postings. - LS] (04/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: Defense Department seek alternative fuel (04/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: Ft. Detrick (MD) Superfund listing finalized (04/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, TRIBES: Aquidneck Island Navy property (RI) (04/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BERYLLIUM: Hanford (WA) workers (04/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Alameda (CA) density vote (04/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, RADIATION: "As Likely as Not" documentary (04/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: Navy signs Hawai'i agreement (04/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: CDC finds infant formula contaminated (04/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, CHEMWEAPONS: Mercury found at American University (DC) (04/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] TRIBES, RADIATION: West Valley Demonstration Project (NY) (04/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, REGULATION: Livermore Lab (CA) restarts treatment system (04/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FORMER SITES: Camp Peary (VA) swimming pool (04/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Environmental Justice leader named OSWER Assistant Administrator (04/01/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, FUNDING: Energy Department stimulus cleanup plans (03/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Former Almaden Air Force Station (CA) (03/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, COMMUNITY: Ft. Devens' (MA) remaining cleanups (03/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: PAVE PAWS (MA) cancer study (03/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] NOISE, ENCROACHMENT: Key West (FL) Super Hornets (03/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, COMMUNITY: Brunswick Naval Air Station (ME) oversight (03/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION, VOCs, REUSE: Alameda Point (CA) contamination (03/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, CLOSURE: Camp Bonneville (WA) failure (03/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, RADIATION: Lake Ontario Ordnance Works (NY) meeting (03/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, RADIATION: Legislation for Santa Susana Field Lab (CA) workers (03/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Funding for San Gabriel Valley (CA) (03/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT: Scranton (PA) Army Reserve site (03/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION, REUSE: Griffiss AFB (NY) land deplisted (03/24/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Ft. Meade (MD) groundwater (03/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] COMMUNITY: Corps still rejects Lake Ontario (NY) RAB (03/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Ft. Meade (MD) groundwater (03/23/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Hill Air Force Base (UT) groundwater plume (03/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Hill Air Force Base (UT) groundwater plume (03/23/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EPA Interim Guidance on TCE and Vapor Intrusion (03/20/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH, VOCs: ATSDR at Kelly Air Force Base (TX) (03/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: Calverton Navy Plant (NY) (03/19/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, VOCs: NASA's JPL, Pasadena, CA (03/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE, VOCs: NASA's JPL, Pasadena, CA (03/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CONTRACTORS: Air Force Plant 51 (NY) (03/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Former Des Moines Ordnance Plant (IA) (03/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REALIGNMENT: Mark Center (VA) plan criticized (03/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Camp Edwards (MA) 'Simunitions' (03/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ft. Lawton, Seattle, WA (03/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Laughlin Air Force Base (TX) petition (03/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: Grummans' Long Island (NY) plant (03/16/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] SHIPS: Suisun Bay (CA) ghost fleet (03/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Sustainable campus planned for Moffett Field (CA) (03/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, FUDS: Belvoir Ranch (WY) Atlas Missile Silo (03/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, NATURAL RESOURCES: Ft. Ord (CA) sheep (03/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, MUNITIONS: Mountain Biking at Ft. Ord (CA) (03/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] SHIPS: Suisun Bay (CA) ghost fleet (03/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, CHEMWEAPONS: Underwater off Pearl Harbor (HI) (03/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Quantico Marine Corps Base (VA) buffer (03/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Whiting Field (FL) buffer zone (03/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FUDS: Plum Tree Island clearance (03/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, NATURAL RESOURCES: Vieques (PR) underwater UXO (03/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Ft. Monmouth (NJ) cleanup (03/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Fort Campbell (TN & KY) Joint Land Use Study (03/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, VOCs: Lincoln (CA) missile site (03/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Brunswick Naval Air Station (ME) housing (02/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Ft. Bragg (NC) and farms (02/26/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, TRIBES: Air Force land (NY) to Oneida Nationa (02/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, HEALTH: John Umstead Hospital (NC) (02/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUEL: Travis Air Force Base (CA) ruptured pipeline (02/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Possible migration from Wurtsmith Air Force Base (MI) (02/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: New England Sand and Gravel (MA) - former test site (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Middlesex (NJ) landfill (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Belle-Mead GSA Depot (NJ) (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Seoul, South Korea bases (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, CHEMWEAPONS: Former Orlando [FL] Army Airfield, Toxic Gas and Decontamination Yard (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE, TRIBES: Air Force land (NY) to Oneida Nationa (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Mariana Islands Range Complex (CNMI) environmental impact review (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Hudson County (NJ) chromium cleanup (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Oak Ridge (TN) infrastructure transfer (02/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Milford (CT) Army Reserve facility (02/22/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Robotic clearance (02/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Former Macon Naval Ordnance Landfill (GA) (02/21/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Homes proposed downwind from Santa Susana Field Lab (CA) (02/19/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Pinon Canyon, Colorado (02/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, VOCs: Former Schilling Air Force Base, Salina, KS (02/18/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Navy Outlying Landing Field (VA or NC) (02/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Ft. Meade (MD) (02/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Camp Bonneville (WA) contract - editorial (02/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Defense environmental & energy spending in the stimulus bill (02/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Former Senator lobbies (02/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BIOTA, EXPANSION: Ft. Irwin (CA) and desert tortoise relocation (02/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Camp Bonneville (WA) expenses/cleanup letter (02/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Luke Air Froce Base (AZ) ruling (02/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: El Toro Marine Corps Air Station (CA) (02/11/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Former Des Moines Ordnance Plant (IA) (02/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Cottage Grove (OR) Armory (02/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Midlands Area Joint Installation Consortium, South Carolina (02/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, FUDS: Former Camp Fannin (TX) (02/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Camp Edwards (MA) lead bullets (02/07/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, REGULATION: Camp Bonneville (WA) Superfund petition (02/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Nuclear labs may move to Defense Department (02/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, REGULATION: Camp Bonneville (WA) Superfund petition (02/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Former Scotia Navy Depot, New York (02/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Brunswick Naval Air Station (ME) on schedule (02/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Guam sub leak sampling results (02/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Mariana Islands Range Complex (02/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ft. Monroe (VA) park proposal (02/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUNDING: Hill Air Force Base (UT) (02/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Mare Island (CA) dredging (01/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Funding closed-base refuges in Colorado (01/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: GAO reports on timing and savings (01/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, REUSE: Camp Bonneville (WA) "dubious costs" (01/31/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Arizona law in court (01/30/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Brunswick (ME)-area real estate (01/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Research Park at Moffett Field (CA) (01/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: DNT from Badger Plant (WI) (01/29/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] BERYLLIUM, HEALTH: Los Alamos (NM) exposures (01/28/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: Twentynine Palms (CA) wants "to take over Amboy Road" (01/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY, RADIATION: Senate stimulus plan (01/27/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL: Philippines base cleanup urged (01/26/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS, RADIATION: Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (01/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Beaufort Naval Hospital (SC) (01/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Ravenna Arsenal (OH) cleanup (01/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] GLOBAL, HEALTH: Off-base water testing dropped in Naples (Italy) (01/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: "Pinon Canyon [CO] residents deserve a full airing" (01/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: "Pinon Canyon [CO] residents deserve a full airing" (01/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Brunswich Naval Air Station (ME) (01/25/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE, RESOURCES: Moffett Field (CA) wetlands cleanup (01/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Riverbank Ammo Plant (CA) (01/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Schroeder Hall Army Reserve Base (CA) (01/24/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLEANUP: Senators want active-base cleanup stimulus (01/17/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Landowners question Laughlin AFB (TX) legislation (01/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: Re: REUSE: Army Reserve Center at Moffett Field (CA) (01/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Army Reserve Center at Moffett Field (CA) (01/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Airship may come to Moffett Field's (CA) Hangar One (01/16/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Jefferson Proving Ground (IN) non-emergency support (01/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY, RADIATION, CLOSURE: Stimulus Package (01/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Makua (HI) seafood studied (01/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Pinon Canyon (CO) (01/15/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Libby Army Reserve Center, New Haven, CT (01/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: New Boston Air Force Station (NH) (01/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Former Pease Air Force Base (NH) jet fuel cleanup (01/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Gabreski Airport, Long Island, NY (01/14/09)
- Re: [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Temecula Bomb Targets (CA) (01/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, VOCs: Former Schilling Air Force Base, Salina, KS (01/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Henderson (NV) liability after bankruptcy (01/14/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Tooele Depot (UT) lawsuit (01/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENERGY: Army leases electric vehicles (01/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] MUNITIONS: Temecula Bomb Targets (CA) (01/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION, CONTRACTORS: California opposes Rocketdyne Superfund status (01/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REUSE: Ingleside (TX) group seeks funds (01/13/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: Tronox declares bankruptcy (01/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RADIATION: Joslyn Manufacturing FUSRAP SITE, Fort Wayne, IN (01/12/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Indiana Guard and chromium in Iraq (01/10/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] HEALTH: Oregon troops exposed to chromium in Iraq (01/09/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: Avon Park Air Force Range (CL) (01/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS, CHEMWEAPONS: Orlando Toxic Gas and Decontamination Yard (FL) (01/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] RESEARCH: Funding Available For Environmental Technology Demonstration and Validation (01/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] REGULATION: EPA issues Livermor Labs (CA) order (01/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: EPA withdraws Non-regulation determination (01/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] CLOSURE: Navy to skin Moffett Field's (CA) Hangar One (01/08/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] EXPANSION: 29 Palms (CA) ad Johnson Valley off-road vehicle area (01/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] PERCHLORATE: San Gabriel Valley legislation (01/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: GAO evaluates DOD'S Reporting on Sustainable Ranges (01/07/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CLOSURE: Newark Air Force Base (OH) (01/06/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, PERCHLORATE: Innovative technologies at MMR (MA) (01/05/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: El Toro Marine Corps Air Station cleanup (01/04/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] Sustainable Installations (01/03/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] FUDS: Ft. Slocum, David's Island (NY) - "ahead of schedule" (01/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] ENCROACHMENT: New Castle Airport, Delaware National Guard (01/02/09)
- [CPEO-MEF] VOCs, CONTRACTORS: Northrop Grumman, Bethpage, NY (01/01/09)
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